Last week I did not go after bargains.
I spent real money ...
and got things for me.
Well, maybe some for Etsy ...
and some for the booths.
I thought these were neat.
Shirt hangers for a wardrobe or steamer trunk.
Not sure if they really vintage.
Put them on Etsy.
I can see them pink and Frenchy.
There was one shirt and pants hanger.
Also on Etsy.
Again, I see pink and Frenchy.
Lace and vintage buttons.
Maybe some typography.
Maybe I should keep them.
The ideas keep coming
If you want them, you better hurry.
Saturday as we were backing out of the drive, the Fed Ex guy drove past our house.
Chucks said that he had better not stop here.
He stopped here.
With not one big box, but two.
Two boxes from Antique Farmhouse.
Look, Danni, body parts!
I loved these mannequins.
I will admit they were slightly bigger than I thought.
I think they need crowns and pearls.
Or go outside with rusty tiny stars around their necks.
Oh, the possibilities.
Yes, Danni, another head!
A ram's head!
Chucks definitely did not get the reasoning behind this purchase.
I needed a ram for all my sheep.
Tiny spice and medicine bottles in a floral vintage box.
Bag of square rusty nails.
I see art projects!
Okay, I see I took multiple pics with the bright orange price sticker on the mirror in the cage without ever seeing it until I downloaded them.
Vintage turquoise cage.
Chucks thinks it is going to the booth.
Silly, silly Chucks.
After all the exotic, the vintage, the body parts, this purchase seems mundane.
I am painting it.
I am trying it out on the front porch.
If it fits, it stays.
If it does not, it goes.
That's the rule.
Chucks has been regaling me with stories of some hoarder guy who died, and the authorities had to break through the roof to get to his body.
Silly, silly Chucks.
Has he seen our attic?
See y'all!
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