Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sofa Springs Salvation

I am always on the hunt to harvest rusty springs.

I hunt high and low.

But sometimes I find them right on the side of the road.

As you know the better sofas have eight-way tied springs in them for support.

So if you spy a sofa sitting on the side of the road, stop and take a look.

It might be time to do a little sofa spring salvation.

I found this beauty recently.

The roofers had stripped it of all the cushions and foam - they use it for knee support.

I thought surely someone had removed the springs.

I peeked underneath and there they were.

Giant springs.

Rusty springs.

Waiting to be saved.

I keep my trusty pink toolkit in the truck for emergency salvation projects like this one.

Mostly it takes patience to get the springs out of the frame.

Clip and twist.

Clip and twist.

The springs are really tied eight times so you have to clip each one eight times.

It was quite the harvest - a number of sofa springs were saved.

I would have saved more but Chucks called in the middle of this salvage operation to let me know he had been waiting and waiting for us to go eat.

Oh, right, I forgot completely about that.

Looking at my rusty shirt and hands, I promised to be home in a skinny minute.

Of course I had to hide the springs before arriving home.

Wouldn't want to hear what Chucks would say about another bag (or four) of rusty springs.

Sorry I have been missing in action.  First I had one nasty stomach bug which refused to leave me alone.

Then Saturday morning my computer sent me a message that Windows XP had been out all night long and had become corrupted.  Bad, bad girl!

She went in Monday morning for an update to Windows 7.

She is now pretending to not know who I am.

It is taking me time to learn all her new tricks.

Just wanted to let y'all know I am not ignoring you.

I'll be back again when Miss Thang recognizes my camera and lets me load some new photos.

I know you have missed my terrible photos.

See y'all!

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  1. This is too funny, Donna. I have visions of 'Walkers' (Walking Dead zombies) - roofers, junkers with pliers, scrappers - all tearing into the carcass of the sofa. I could've used that toolbox on my car door last weekend in Springfield - we had a time, and not necessarily a great one. Have fun with the springs!

  2. Haha. I didn't even realize that I'm sitting on a goldmine here! Fun post, Donna!

  3. My hub would never hear of me stopping to "ravage" a sofa! When we stopped to "rescue" our chandelier from the side of the road in Harlem, The Netherlands, he was soooo afraid that someone might recognize him. Tee Hee! Now he is soooo proud that it hangs in our hallway!!! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  4. I think I will be looking for old abandoned sofas soon. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  5. Oh these would be great in a garden ( I am currently garden obsessed lol )
    Sorry to hear you had a " bug " in your stomach - but even sorrier to hear about the computer " bug " because they drive me right out of my mind - still trying to get used to my new computer!

  6. You always have the weirdest, but best, projects!

  7. Glad you're back in action! I have never taken springs off anything and never realized until recently that they are not all permanently attached. Hope you got Chucks some supper! Happy Thursday evening...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  8. Good for you Donna, that you have the nerve and equipment to tackle a big sofa and cut away the springs. Great size springs too. I brought home some sofa springs one time and they were really hard to get apart ... all wire ... not 8-way tied. I do enjoy them though.
    Glad you are feeling better and that you solved your computer problems. Just hard to get used to new programs.
    I did miss you.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  9. I missed you Donna. I'm loving those springs! I've never found any myself. Not sure I could do that kind of surgery, but I'm willing to give it a try. As much as I love my computer... relying on technology can be a pain sometimes. I'm sure you'll catch on to all the Windows 7 stuff in no time. Glad you're feeling better.

  10. I was about to email you and ask if you were okay, but I didn't want to seem nosy! I did miss you though! Sorry to hear you and Miss Thang have both been sick. Y'all feel better. Like your latest find :) -Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  11. You are always on a grand adventure. I think I'd better load up some essentials now that I know how to get the springs out!
    Hope you get Miss Thang to cooperate soon.

  12. Great roadside score, been on the hunt for some of these myself goodness I have rusty spring envy, what a haul!

  13. What a great idea! I never thought to garbage pick springs! Better put some metal cutters in my glove compartment. I have to be careful because I found out that in actual Detroit, not suburbs, it is illegal to garbage pick. Only "certified" garbage pickers can do that. I would get a substantial fine. Can you believe that?

  14. I will never pass by an old sofa again without checking for buried treasure!


  15. Ooooh, you've reminded me that I too have some rusty springs...inspired by your last rusty spring post! They are somewhere in my mess of a craft room, just waiting to be rediscovered!

  16. Thanks for linking up to TTF @ Melissa's Antiques!

  17. Hope you're on the mend, Donna! Always love your rusty stuff...Thanks for sharing this at Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday Linky Party!


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