It was a red ladder day down home today. I finished another project. I am burning through them like there is no tomorrow. I attribute this energy to the fact there has been a couple of hours break in the rain each day. Time enough to swim laps. I am dreadfully out of shape. (I renewed my gym membership several weeks ago and have not gone back since!) I have not started counting the laps, but hope to be to seventy-five in two weeks. This is not such a great accomplishment except for me. Our pool is small -only 32 feet in length! But my left shoulder is frozen due to an injury followed by a bad break so I do a poor man's back stroke.
I set my goals early today as it was still pouring outside:
1) Stencil a table (to be revealed at the end of this week) - DONE
2) Finish this ladder project - DONE
3) Clean off my work space - er, um, hmmm... Well, NOT DONE (maybe after writing this!)
You can tell I started this project when I was in my British mood and to tell the truth it almost became a frame for a giant Union Jack. I changed my mind and decided to add it to the Americana projects.
After staring at the red ladder standing in the corner of the den for two weeks, I finally decided to drape it with stars and put a grapevine wreath on it.
I bought a pre-cut package of cheesecloth by Sewology at Hobby Lobby. Three yards for $3.95 and less if you have your trusty 40% off coupon. (Though I usually buy big ticket items with it! Do you know you can use the coupon on the magazines?)
I love this cheesecloth. It makes great summer scarves. Just paint or dye. Then soak in hot water. Wad it up. Let it dry in the sun. Voila - a scarf.
Next came the draping and the wiring and the general fussing with getting everything where I wanted it. Wire and glue dots quickly became my friends.
I wired the wreath in the center. Then draped the the star cloth around the ladder. When I had the scarf where I wanted it, I used those nifty little glue dots to hold it in strategic places. They are invisible and can be removed if for instance you would want to use the ladder at Christmas! I made a wire hanger.
I took it outside for the photography portion of this post. I hung it on the patio wall. (Yes, I know this needs painting - it is almost too distressed even for me!) I was so intent on taking a decent picture, I did not notice Scout digging up more ginger lilies and eating the roots. He has now taken out about fifty of them! (He is only fifteen pounds!)
I made him go immediately inside so I could see if I could save any of the roots and replant them. Scout met me with this big muddy grin when I came in. Who could stay angry with such an adorable creature!
If you need a ginger lily root-eating dog, let me know, I might have an idea where you could get one!

Party Junk #227 at Funky Junk Interiors

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