Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Finds

cabinet photos, baskets, vintage finds, certificates
A nice collection of smalls for you this morning.

I love to collect old photos of children and babies - and odd people!


Notice the two identical pics of the baby in the back?

How crazy is it - I bought them two years apart in two different states!?!

(Play Twilight Zone music here.)

A drawer with mod Contact paper. 

A vintage record player stand.

Decided what I will do with the 50, 75, or more frames I have collected.

Unfortunately, painting is involved.

The frames may sit around for awhile.

I have two large boxes of shoe stretchers - I love these all-wooden ones.

A heart-shaped glass dish with a silver top.

Some children's plastic rosaries and several strands of beads.

The prayer card has a thumb rosary which I had not seen before.

I am low on baskets at the booth.

These need freshening up.

Someone tell me which coffee came in this can.

PBN of Jesus.

A heart-in-hand bridge club ashtray.

Two brass door plates.

Herb garden sign and guess what, I leaving it the way it is.


The correspondence school certificate I will keep for awhile. I always grab them.  I am after another dealer's cemetery school certificate she has decorating her booth.

Another tool bag for my collection.

Three ornate resin plaques.

This adorable homemade clown outfit is so vintage and so precious with little jingle bells sewn on the front, sleeves, and legs.

I will list this on Etsy as soon as I figure out how to photograph it.

Last, some rust.

A small square of springs.

Perfect for hanging on your wall!

See y'all!

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  1. What in the world is up with finding those matching photos? CREEPY!

    Gallery walls are really trendy right now. I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to get rid of every single one of those frames. Can't wait to see what you do with them!


  2. Another treasure trove of fun finds! I particularly like that square spring thing. Please jump in your truck and bring it to me! LOL!

  3. What do you do with your shoe stretchers and the certificates? Sell or keep?

    I like the tool apron.

  4. You know how you purchase today's frames with a paper photo already in it? Can we hope that they did that back then, and that is why you found two of the same photos so far apart? Okay...Probably not. Really strange. What's with the square of springs? That's odd, too. What are your plans with the baby high-tops? Do they have a leather sole?

  5. That is one popular baby, with headshots showing up all over the country.

    Like trophies became, are certifications now collectible? I have a couple that are buried in my files, should I get those puppies out? What about my auto sales, insurance sales, and loan officer licenses? Notary public?

  6. Kinda creepy that you found identical pictures 2 years apart from each other in different states! I'd love to find some small sets of springs like the ones you found. I really like the large bedsprings, but they're pretty hard to manage, so this small version is perfect.

  7. I love your collection of children photos, I am always looking for those too! And I absolutely LOVE the story of the two photos!

  8. Donna, the identical baby photos~ that's wigging me. That's almost unbelievable. I love the rusted springs. I left home in November with a set of springs outside to rust up while we've been away. By all reports from friends, they've rusted well, but they are not as funky as yours. I love all of your finds; fun and fantastic as usual.

    Hugs, Dana

  9. I have a collection of frames too. I always pick them up when I find them for good prices because there's so much you can do with them. 50-75 really? You better get busy painting! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  10. You should lay off the frames for a while!!!! So sad the photos are distanced from their original families.

  11. Love that square springy thingy!! And that vintage record stand is awesome. We could use one for our record collection.

  12. Cemetery School? Cool! I have a couple of the thumb rosaries, which are also called finger rosaries or rosary rings. I am currently on the hunt for a wall rosary for my collection. Those are the ones with the huge beads and are several feet long.

  13. Donna ... I thought I had a lot of frames, but you have me beat. The size of the spring is great and will be so easy to display. Likely from a chair or couch cushion. I could add the shoe stretchers to my growing collection. Your Friday finds are fantastic ... much better than mine.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. I want the rusty springs to hang on the wall in a diamond it! I am guilty of collecting frames too. That double of the baby pic is a little weird and I never heard of cemetery school!

  15. Oh my! That is just odd that you found two identical baby pictures like that. I am always amazed that people just give away family photos. I cannot imagine doing that! You found some great smalls though. Have a great weekend. Are you doing any treasure hunting?

  16. What a hoot that you bought the same photograph in two different states. There is a story within that story. I'd love to know how multiples of a picture would end up so far apart. I am pretty positive, Cindy, that is a real coffee canister from a canister set and no particular brand of coffee came in it. ~Ginene

  17. Maybe that baby was a celebrity?
    I also have tons of frames waiting to be painted... and waiting and waiting!

  18. Great finds. I have a bunch of unused frames as well, but I just used one of them in the project below!

  19. You always find the best stuff! Love it all, but my favorite has to be the springs. It would be perfect hanging on a wall or just sitting on a table. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  20. Love to invite you to Fabulous Friday Party
    Thanks Maria

  21. Always love seeing what goodies you snag Donna. The clown suit is precious and I love the springs! I swear I made an herb sign similar to that years ago. lol! Definitely twilight feeling about the baby photos. Can't wait to see what you do with the frames. I know it will be wonderful, as always! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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