
Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Finds

vintage finds, dental molds, art prints
Another round of Friday Finds.

A collection of things I bought during the past week.

A robin egg blue student chair.

A tennis racket with press.

This lovely old metal medicine cabinet with an aged mirror.

Look at the blue, rusty patina.

This was not a bargain, but I was willing to pay real money for it.

A couple of yards of blue ticking.

Four linoleum blocks ready to be carved.

A big blue suitcase.

A green plaid Poloron cooler.

My inner Erica (The Thrifter Sisters) voice said to buy the cooler.

Wouldn't it look great with a Christmas tree on top?

A La Cross implement display drawer for tweezers and nail tools.

A pen and ink of a sailboat.

I can imagine a vintage yachting trophy next to it.

Obviously I do not know the difference between a yacht and a sailboat.

I now have a bunch of these shutters waiting for me to decide what to do with them.

A new, but abused, wire dress form.  The stand had been bent and broken.

The bar is welded onto the frame. I am thinking light fixture.

An old painting of babies.

A large round print of little girls.

These two were so large, I had to lay them on the lawn.

A very old plaster frame.

A very long mirror harp - obviously for a large dresser.


Danni who is on a break from the Silo Farm blog loves when I find body parts. 

These were sitting on the desk of the guy running an outside area of a thrift store and I convinced him to let me buy them.

No, they are not dentures, but dental molds for mouthpieces from Everlast.

I am not a forensic scientist but I play one in real life sometimes.

I noticed the same name "Rivira" on the back of each mold.

Even though the left one is smaller than the right, you can tell from the shape of the teeth they are from the same person.

Yes, Danni, I love these.

I have them sitting next to the snack tin in the kitchen.

They do make us stop before grabbing a snack.

Have a great weekend.

Find some treasures.

See y'all!

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ThriftyThings Friday #24
The Cottage Market Presents Junkin' Joe Every Friday 
Thriftasaurus #108 

The Dedicated HouseDwellings-The Heart of Your HomePhotobucket/A Stroll Thru LifeWe Call It Junkin


  1. Donna, you are so much fun! You should put those molds in the candy bowl on Halloween, and let the little pretties think twice about what they select, hehe. That large print is the Calmady children in case you want to google more info on them - I sold them a couple years ago (poor little pretties...just keep getting tossed around). And we just sold our tennis racket with press in the store recently...we were wondering who bought it - was it you?!
    Love it when you share your finds. Have a great weekend.

  2. Nice haul - I especially like the medicine cabinet, the dress form and the cooler.

  3. See? It only goes to show that no one should assume that others won't wanna buy what they got.

  4. I am on the hunt for a medicine cabinet just like that for my bathroom remodel! I am headed out of town on a junkin' trip tomorrow and am hoping to find one where I found my pink one the last time.

    That cooler is calling my name! It would be PERFECT with a Christmas tree!

    Have a great weekend~


  5. Those teeth are creepy! Love all of your finds especially the picture of the babies!

  6. Fun finds and totally creeeeeepy teeth! You are so funny! I would carve a pumpkin and put a set of those teeth molds in the mouth just for fun.

  7. Always love everything you find -- and those teeth -- OH MY! Thanks for sharing @ TTF!

  8. You should have fun with those teeth at Halloween! I love that cooler and the Christmas tree is a good idea. Let us know what you do with those louvers... I have some and need ideas, too!

  9. Love all the blue hues. I agree, the dress form would make a great light fixture! ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  10. The denture molds are so cute, lol! Perfect for Halloween, though. Lots of great finds, I bet you will do a great job finishing them!
    Thanks for your fun visit, I so appreciate it.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Great finds as usual! I really love the medicine cabinet. A friend gave me one this last summer...the glass is beveled, glass inside shelves and a crystal cool, rusty and crusty but cool!

  12. Great finds!! I love the medicine cabinet and the cooler...but I have to question the dental molds!! :)

  13. Giggling in my chair, as always--love those teeth molds. As someone who's about to lose a tooth on Monday, that's saying a lot!! Putting a tree on the cooler is the perfect idea, as is turning the dress form into a light fixture. Never would have thought of it, but I love it. Happy week-end--

  14. Donna, you are too much fun! Wonderful the medicine chest, the cooler (great idea with a tree), the dress form......oh heck, I love it all! Love Rita's idea about putting the teeth molds in the Halloween candy bowl! Keep on having fun!

  15. like the sailboat drawing and i think i should put teeth close to snacks so it stops me from getting them lol.

  16. Great finds....can't wait to see what you do with them! Have a wonderful week end...hugs, Penny

  17. Fun stuff Donna and you make it even more fun wondering what you will do with all of it. You are such a tease and I know you will do something funny with the denture molds. I have my Mom's dentures and at the last garage sale, I just sat them out in the covered box with a 'make offer' tag on them. When people opened the box, they just gasped ... so funny.
    Have a fun week-end.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  18. LOL! Oh my gosh! I was all set to tell you how much your medicine cabinet was freaking me out, and then I got to the teeth! I can't believe you bought those. I do love that dress form though. It reminds me of one I saw outside a shop in Nice, France. It was on it's stand and had beautiful beads and baubles wrapped around the cage. Looking forward to seeing how you transform yours~

  19. Oh Donna... you and your body parts. You are too funny. I love that old medicine cabinet, and I've been looking for a cheap dress form for years and have never seen one around here. A lamp would be awesome!

  20. Im crazy about the Poloron cooler! And yes, I can totally envision it as a Christmas tree pedestal. You have an eye for would-be treasures. It's always fun to see your latest finds.

  21. You found some great treasures. I love old tennis rackets. Found you on the Make it Monday link up over on Etcetorize =) Kyla @

  22. I love the print of the young girls... And the dental molds are really fun!

  23. The print of the girls is just beautiful!

  24. That medicine cabinet and the black and white print could make a winner.
    lots of blessings from South Africa

  25. Oh my gosh, the plaid cooler is so great! You got lots of fun stuff. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Bliss Tuesdays. Jo

  26. My faves are that fabulous plaid cooler and the blue rusty crusty cabinet. I was thinking "what on Earth is she going to do with those teeth?!" but I see you found a practical use for them already! -Dawn


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