
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mexican Sunflowers

gardening, sunflowers
All summer Mexican Sunflowers sit around and do nothing much.

Then in late July they start shooting up.

They grow and grow and grow and ...

Bloom and bloom and bloom ...

Until there is a wild profusion of them all over the yard.

The bright yellow flowers continue to bloom and grow all the way through October.

Since I like a natural look, I do not attempt to corral them.

Though I must confess to digging them up by the dozens in the spring and tossing them willy-nilly around the yard.

The Mexican Sunflowers love hot, dry, sunny spots so I let them have them.

I have tried to convince them to grow in slightly shaded areas, but they outright refuse!

And what do the Mexican Sunflowers do during the dark of night?

Grow and bloom, of course!

See y'all!

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  1. So pretty! I'd probably let them run wild too!

  2. Oh, that's their name! My neighbor gave me some, and yes, they've been flowering and flowering though here in MD they don't grow as tall as yours. I'm planning on corralling them next Spring, I don't have much space.

  3. Love them.....nice color for Fall!

  4. your Mexican sunflowers are so pretty ... look very much like our wild Maximilian Daisy that blooms in the Fall. Enjoyed seeing them in bloom.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  5. They are so pretty. I hadn't heard of these type of sunflowers. They sound like they are easy to grow! I might just have to try them next year.

  6. Pretty! I would cut some and bring them in the house. I love fresh flowers in the house. Hope you're having a great week and selling lots of stuff!

  7. They are so pretty! Long blooming plants are so fabulous to have in the garden.

  8. Do I have a spot for those suckers....I have tons of hot and dry spots.


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