
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Throw Your Legs In The Air - A Table Story

Vintage drop leaf table makeover, Americana Decor Chalky Paint
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This drop leaf table tossed caution to the wind, dropped her leaves (or is it leafs???) and threw her legs in the air like she just did not care
While she was cavorting, I quickly sanded her undercarriage and tighten some loose areas.

The sedate little lady got her top sanded.

I did leave some of the teething marks on the legs - too cute.

Yes, I see she needs a leaf lift on one side.

I promise I took care of that problem.

She had a screw loose.

Americana Decor Chalky Finish paint has become my favorite.

This is Primitive.

What white looks like after years of use.

Notice she has thrown those legs in the air once again.

She might be a loose woman.

A light sanding and buffing with a rough paper towel.

Two coats of Americana Decor Ultra Matte Varnish.

I put some clothes on her to take her beauty shot.

The drop leaf table is tipsy with excitement about her new look and promises to follow a straight and narrow path from now on.

See her before at Ridge Riding With Mom. 

Speaking of my mom, I sincerely thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers.  My mother has a disintegrating spine - she has lost seven inches of height in the last several years.  The procedure she had done involved injecting a plastic cement to repair the broken vertebrae and stabilize the spine.  The spine doctor also was able to retrieve some of the broken pieces. Unfortunately this is the seventh and last procedure he can do.

Ladies, I cannot stress enough to have a bone density test!

See y'all!

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  1. She's baaaack and was just saving up some good "funnie's" to share. Lol I love the table since she's no longer loose. Loved the the staging vignette on her :)) Glad your back and your mom is doing well !!! TT

  2. She might be a loose woman, but she's looking good! Great job on the redo. I hope your mom is feeling better since her surgery. That sounds so very painful to live with daily. Bless her heart. I've not had a bone density test yet, but I do plan to have it done. Mama told me I needed to do that. Anywho, did you enter my birthday giveaway? Please come visit and enter if you haven't! Winner will be announced Saturday. Have a great day!!!

  3. OMGosh...I am still laughing! I love the way you wrote about this table! AND I'm glad you were able to help her get on the right path! You know, sometimes, all it takes is a great example -- glad you stepped in! She's beautiful and I loved the outfit you gave her for the beauty shot!! Excellent, excellent!! I'm so sorry about your mom. I know it is painful for her and difficult for both of you! I've got a bone density test in a few weeks.

  4. Your table turned out fabulous.
    Cyber hugs for your mom.

  5. The table is lookin' good! I have a spine disorder too! Since being diagnosed about 10 years ago, I've lost about 1 1/2 inches of height. I do a bone density test once a year. The only cure for me is massive surgery and a metal rod. Umm, no thanks, at this stage in my life!

  6. Donna ... love your story ... love the style of the table ... love the color. Just what I have been looking for. Sorry your Mom is going through this spine problem. Wishing her to be pain free.
    Audrey Z.

  7. Love this table, a gal after my own heart! She looks good after her makeover! I've had one bone density test done and I'm due for another one next year I think. So far so good, but I am so sorry for you Mom's problems! Hugs to you.

  8. The table, she looks great! Linda at Itsy Bits & Pieces told me about the ultra matte varnish and I've got to get some, soon(!), to finish my kitchen table. Hoping and praying your mom responds well to this final surgery--

  9. This was such a fun post Donna. She looks fabulous! I'd be tipsy with excitement too if I just got as great a makeover as that table. I'm hoping your mom is doing well.

  10. Great looking project and your humor cracked me up!

  11. You have worked your magic once again on the little lady. Beautiful! I hope this last procedure does the job for your Mom!

  12. Love your new lady table! She looks fabulous with her new and fresh paint, love her "clothes" you put on for the picture!! :) Thoughts and prayers for your mom....hugs!! xo Holly

  13. Hi Donna nice to meet you, I just love a good table story and yours was splendid! The table came out beautiful Lisa @ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  14. There's a lot of leg showing here... But they are beautiful, so why not?

  15. You should hear the way we have described Tobacco farming. The ladies need tending to. Lift their skirts to remove the bottom leaves. Deflower them. Seriously, there are machines that do these things! I was thinking of those plants when you were describing your table. All I know about tobacco farming is what I observed in a field behind our rented house. I have no idea why the bottom leaves are removed or why the flowers on top are plucked off!

  16. Donna what a cute post and your loose lady looks beautiful with her new finish and all dressed up! Hope you mother's condition are so right about the bone density must be done!
    Thank you for sharing at SYS and have a great week!
    XO Barbara

  17. Donna, you made me smile! Loose or not, that lady is a beauty! And she looks gorgeous all dressed up. Sorry to hear about your mom! About 5 years ago my Dr. suggested I have a bone density test because of my age. He and I were both surprised when he reported that it was excellent! I wonder if you need to have one every few years, or is one enough? Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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