
Sunday, October 26, 2014

From Tina - SQUIRREL!

Gifts from bloggers, embroidered burlap sacks
One night back in August there was a silly gabfest on FB where there may have been alcohol involved on one or more parts, and the topic of squirrels came up.

We all know how Suzan (Simply Vintageous) feels about squirrels.  Tina (What We Keep) quickly found a cute image of a squirrel in a scarf and beret.  Names like Sammie and Samuel were thrown about.

Then Suzan pronounced him Samuel De Champlain. (Though she claims no memory of this event at all!)

I fell in love with the cute Canadian instantly.

I knew Tina had wicked Wonder Woman skills at embroidery.

I wanted her to make me a bag for my front door with the squirrel and his name.

Like those reindeer bags you find at Decor-something.

Now at this point in a post about receiving something in the mail from a fellow blogger, I would normally show off how beautifully the package was wrapped.

BUT ...

Chucks, the dogs, and I were crowded around the sofa to unveil what was inside.  I was carefully pulling apart the tissue when Chucks yelled "CORN!!!" and grabbed the box from my hands.

Packing went everywhere.

I am highly allergic to corn.

However this was a dried ear so no harm was done to me, but the beautiful wrapping was now a mess.

A wonderful note.

An iron handle perfect for hanging Samuel.

The bag, not the squirrel.

The jute upholstery strips - perfect for a Christmas ornament.

Tina, I am so sorry but when Chucks was saving me from the corn, he tore apart the arrangement.


Look, look, look!

A wonderful grain sack bag with a Samuel De Champlain transferred to the front.

Exactly my favorite color of blue.

Isn't he adorable?

I was dancing about the house taking him to find a home.

I was in love.

BUT ...

Chucks yelled (again), "Hey, there is something in the bottom of the box."


A larger Samuel De Champlain.

On natural linen with a grain sack stripe.

And fringe.

And he was embroidered!

Those of you who follow Tina know she severely cut her thumb and has not been able to embroider so I was not expecting this beauty.

Oh, gosh, TWO Canadians in my life.

Luckily there are places to hang squirrels around here because I would never be able to choose between them.

Tina added a wire ornament with a leaf and a "W" to the top. 

Notice how beautifully she distressed the fabric.

Blogging friends are the best friends.

Tina is getting ready to open her shop back up.  Be sure to visit What We Keep to see her creations.

Thank ye,

Thank ye,

Thank ye,


See y'all!

REMEMBER:  Make It Monday starts Sunday (tonight) at 7PM Eastern.  We would love to see your posts linked there!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:




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Photobucket/A Stroll Thru LifeSavvy Southern StyleThoughts from Alice


  1. Great post the squirrel bags!
    Gotta love surprises from friends!

  2. Tina does great work! I must say I can't stand the squirrels in my yard because they make a huge mess of things, but these little guys I could learn to love!!

  3. Tina is so awesome, but then so are you! Love that little bag.

  4. WoW! What a great gift, and even better story! This one will put a smile on your face for many years to come, no doubt.

  5. How adorable and what a lovely door decoration Samuel's bag turned out to be! This is so unique!!! Tina is very talented and creative. We sure do meet the best out here in blogland!

  6. Squirrel, indeed! LOL
    So glad you like your bags, Donna.
    So, so sorry about the unintended attempt on your more corn for you!
    Long live Sammy. :)
    xo, T.

  7. Donna, what sweet gifts and the thing with the corn cracked me up. Glad you were not hurt and your hubby is sweet to save you like that. Love the squirrel and the ornament is very cute. Blogging friends are the best aren't they.

  8. Beautiful gifts indeed! I love the name you all came up with, so cute. Just perfect for such a charming squirrel!

  9. Oh Donna, what incredible gifts you received! I love the story that goes with it. I enjoy watching the naughty squirrel that invades my bird feeders. He acts so 'entitled'. This is acorn and hazelnut time of year, so we are blessed(?) with a flurry of squirrel activity.

  10. I love your Canadian squirrels. Tina does such beautiful work.I must say that our rural Ontario squirrels are much better behaved that Suzan's Montreal city squirrels. She does have some horror stories to tell. Here we live in harmony with the little critters. Blogging friends are the best that's for sure.

  11. That's a charming door decoration, Donna! I think that would make a lovely housewarming gift, too. I think our Make It Monday participants will love it!

  12. I am catching up on your latest posts! Great finds in the previous post...a Christmas tree would look great on that cooler. I am loving the cute squirrel bags too. Great idea for the door. I am thinking I need to try making something similar for fall. I need something on my door. Hope you're doing well! Have a fantastic week.

  13. Really thoughtful gifts from Tina ... she is one talented lady. That bag makes such a pretty door hanging. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. Those are both SO adorable!! (Love the name, too :)

  15. First of all, you may have provided the final argument I need to join Facebook. I've been avoiding it. Secondly, your presents are absolutely gorgeous! If I were to display anything portraying a squirrel, it would need to include my name for them: @*&%heads! "My" squirrels pull all the flowers out of the planter boxes, tip the bird feeder enough to dump the seed on the ground, and most recently knocked my carved jack-o-lantern down so that they may feast upon it.

  16. I'm in love with your squirrel gifts! So beautifully made. And the "corn story" - oh my! Funny! I personally love our two squirrels. We feed them peanuts on the deck every day and our inside cats are highly amused!


I enjoy reading all of your comments and will always answer with email. I will try to track you down if you show up as a "no reply" commenter to let you know. Friends are like that!