
Sunday, August 3, 2014

When Rabid Raiders Roam The Aisles

my booth, Riverfront Antique Mall
Every dealer knows THAT day.

The day when hordes of rabid raiders flood the store.

You welcome them with open arms.

They dig.

They pull out.

They plunder.

They buy and buy!

And then they leave.

Leave you with this.

One of the clerks did call me to give me a head's up about what would meet me last Tuesday morning which is my usual stock and straighten day.

So I packed my broom, work bag, and grabber thingy.

It was like pink exploded everywhere!

Of course you know it gets worse before it gets better.

Because everything has to come out of the booth so you can put it back in.

I threw things out willy-nilly until I could reach the distressed white dresser and drag it out to my front porch area.

(We have a two foot strip outside our booth to use.)

Then up, up, up, and away we go.

I do wish the turquoise dresser will sell soon - it has been marked way down.

I am wanting a gray, yellow and pink theme.

This is straight for me!

I took the vintage wire mannequin off her stand and stood her on the dresser with hankies and gloves clothespinned to her.

Yes, I do keep seasonal items out all year.

My bleached and dyed bottle brush trees sell every week.

Usually as soon as I move a large table like this one under all this stuff (no, you cannot see it), it sells and I have to move everything and start over.

We have absolutely wonderful ladies working the desk who move it for us if we are not around.

Thank you, Edie (owner), Judy (bookkeeper), Jackie, Karen, Kathy, Ingrid, Wally, Irma, and the men behind the scenes.

Sorry if I left anyone out.

Riverfront Antique Mall in North Augusta, South Carolina.

It is quite large - it used to be a K-Mart.

There is a beauty salon.

And a cafe.

I see I am down to just three rolls of vintage lace.

Paper towel rolls painted gold, wrapped with lace, and banded with dictionary pages.

Even if you do not use the lace, the rolls make excellent basket fillers.

Do we mind when the rabid raiders roam our aisles?

No, never.

We love our customers.

So I got the small booth all nice and straight,

BUT ...

And it is a mighty big "BUT"!

This is how I left the large booth.

I was just too pooped.

I should change the name to Plunderosa except someone already has that name!

If you miss me, I am shoulder deep in this booth trying to discover the floor.

I am sure there is space for at least half the junk crammed in my living room.

Yes, I am sure!

See y'all!

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Every Wednesday Starting August 13!

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  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing this information. I gained quite a lot of knowledge after reading your blog thank you.

  2. I'm probably a raider.....but when you hit a treasure trove like just get more and more excited and dig deeper! I see fun stuff every time you post a pic of your booths!

  3. really pack a booth.........I see lots of goodies.
    Clever idea for the rolls of it!
    Enjoy the day and have fun.

  4. That's really the only way to sell junk, oops, I mean stuff, is to pack it to the realm! Clever, Donna! You must do very well there.

  5. Oh yes, we've experienced those same rabid raiders! They get around, don't they? I love your front porch on your booth space! You win an award for best use of space there. Plunderosa - I like that too. :)

  6. Just let me in there...I'd turn into one of those rabid raiders!

  7. Sorry! I was just looking at all of the great treasures! :-) I'm going to have to plan a trip with my sister to visit this great place.

  8. I am such a neat shopper putting everything back in it's place after I look at it. I can't even imagine myself messing up someone's booth. It looks like you have all of your beautiful treasures back where they belong and nicely displayed (in the first booth, lol). I hope you sold a lot for all of your hard work!

  9. Sorry I live so far away! I would have a blast there! But for the time being, your blog will have to do. Maybe you should charge for "eye buying." ;)))Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  10. Donna ... it is the Rabid Raiders that keep a business like yours going. Hope you sold a bunch of stuff. Too bad they can't be neat while hunting for their treasures. Anyway, gives you an excuse to re-group and change stuff around. I could spend a lot of time in your shops. Have a great week.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  11. I guess that mess is a good problem to have. I see a lot of great stuff in there. I love digging through stuff at antique and flea markets. It makes it feel more like a treasure hunt. Hope you sold a lot of stuff!

  12. Donna, it's a lot of work, but great that you're selling so much! That makes it worth it! I see lots of fun things (love that turquoise dresser!)

  13. I would take that turquoise dresser off your hands for sure! Love your booth so much to see and plunder!!

  14. Sure wish I lived close, be there in a hot minute. So glad you were successful, but sorry that you had a mess to clean up. Great treasures.

  15. You sure have lots of goodies to sell there Donna! I would dearly love to come plunder in your booths...:) I like the way you display things. Good luck cleanng booth number 2! Have a great week. I'm heading up to the school tomorrow to move all my stuff to a bigger classroom! I am so excited to get a bigger room with a closet and still be with my kinders!

    Blessings, Vicky

  16. When I shop I always tidy & fold as I go, but I think it slows me down too much. Perhaps I will take on a new method, raise my fist in the air and shout "Plunderosa!"

  17. Wow Donna, I guess I never realized that some people just don't worry about making a mess. I always put things back and do more looking with my eyes instead of hands. Unless it's something I really think I might buy. That's a job for you to have to straighten up each week, but I know that I would feel the same and just be happy that people liked what I had to sell. The presentation of the lace is beautiful! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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