
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Funky Fifties Figurines

Mexican pottery figures, Japanese figurine, animal figurines
While perusing the shelves at the local thrift store, I spied some funky fifties figurines.

I knew most people would think them hideous and might carelessly crack or shatter them.

I also knew if they made it to next week in one piece, the horror of the punishment of being left on the shelf would happen.

The punishment?

A worker walks down the glassware aisle and sweeps all of it into a giant trash can.

Yes, they are destroyed.

You are not allowed to save them.

This thrift shop does not believe in sales.

Yes, it is sad.

I could not let these defenseless funky figurines be punished for being, well, funky.

So Mr. Chinaman the toothpick holder jumped in my basket.

Mr. Turtle (who I personally think is cute!) slow-poked to me across the shelf.

I thought this was Mr. Mouse until I got him home.

It is Mr. Calf slicing one gigantic tomato!

I should have known by his tiny horns and hooves.

I can identify the squirrel and the bunny.  The other funky figurine is either a bear cub or a kitty.

They were meant for each other.

Okay, Maddie, I know your rule -

"No donkeys are left behind."

Both of these came home.

See what vintage finds Maddie and her mother found recently here at The Adventures of Two Pyrex-Crazy Thrifting Sisters 

All of these are Mexican pottery except the donkey with cart is Japanese.

All have been saved.

I am sorta attached in a curious way to some of them.

I may let them live here for awhile.

I promise to find them good homes.

See y'all! 

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  1. Look at you....rescuing the unwanted and unloved! Now why am I not surprised???

  2. I love them all Donna! Bless you for rescuing them!

  3. Saved from the are special!
    Love that tiny turtle.

  4. Wish my thrift shops had such great treasures!

  5. Didn't know the unwanted is destroyed. Too bad, but glad you rescued this bunch!

  6. Such a shame that things are just destroyed...:( Good for you for saving them. The little turtle and donkeys are cute.I have no doubt you will find good homes for them. Have a wonderful Saturday!

    Blessings, Vicky

  7. Save them all, Donna! And I agree, no donkey should be left behind. ;)

  8. These are so cute! I love the little donkey. I had no idea that thrift stores threw everything away that didn't sell within a certain amount of time. They definitely should do a sale. Glad you saved them!

  9. That is just sad that someone would destroy them like that. Glad you saved them. I have a soft spot in my heart for 'orphan' salt/pepper shakers.

  10. They're all so cute Donna! Glad you saved them. I had a donkey something like the one pulling the cart when I was little. I remember it being in my room. The Thrift store I go to most often has giant trash bins behind it. They have to keep the inventory moving so if it doesn't sell after awhile out it goes. They do have sales every once in awhile and that does help move things, but I'm sure I'd hate to see what they throw away.

  11. Your figurines are so cute, Donna!
    Mary Alice

  12. That is wonderful you saved them
    I can't believe a thrift store would destroy anything especailly little sweet figurines

  13. I was setting up our home in the 'funky-fifties' ... I likely had some of those cute figurines. Well, maybe not, but the donkey looks familiar. Thanks for saving them.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. These are so cute! I love the little donkey. Love that tiny turtle.
    DIY Project

  15. These are all so cute, but I really like the first one.

  16. I love figurines like this and I try not to leave them behind! :)

  17. What an odd policy for that store. Wouldn't an Everything's a Quarter close out make more sense?

  18. I think I love the turtle, but I know that I love the donkeys :)

    ~Jenn (

  19. I think a few critters are doing a happy dance right now. So happy that they didn't meet their demise! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Sweet figurines are such a weakness. How can we be expected to ignore their little faces? It's almost like they are calling out to us!

    Thanks for the shout out for Maddie & our blog. She loved it!



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