
Monday, March 3, 2014

Porch Palings - Shabby Love

Anitque porch palings, vintage finds
When driving around in older neighborhoods, take a glance at the balconies on the early 1900's houses.

The railings around the porches have the most wonderful palings or slats.

These pieces of history are my favorite architectural finds.

They are usually hand-crafted so there are slight differences in each.

I did find some while out shopping with Olive back in January. (Primitives)

This group was perfectly shabby and chippy with different whites and grays.

But also were incredibly dirty!

Time for Fabulosa and a scrubby sponge and a wire brush!

What a difference a good scrubbing makes!

Yes, they are missing a few pieces, but they are over 100 years old.  

You would be missing pieces, too.

All basking in the sun.

Now a decision.

I plan to keep just ONE.

Yes, just ONE!

After running back and forth outside and inside the house, I finally made a decision.

This one was the ONE.

I like the shape and the shabby love vibes it was sending me.

The fancy, clean sisters went to the market.

This little paling stayed home.

See y'all!

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Blissful Whites Wednesday at Timewashed
Thrifty Life Thursday #9 at Revisionary Life
 Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground
Feahered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage  


Thrifty Life Thursday

A Stroll Thru LifeMy Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaWe Call It Junkin GREEN wILLOW POND Lavender Garden Cottage


  1. Well I did not know that those were called palings. They are lovely and I'm surprised you only kept just one. What will you do with it??? You have sun??? So jealous.

  2. I did not know they were called palings either. This is good to know since they're precisely the thing I would bring home. These are splendid.

  3. Wow, you've got some willpower! I love them all :)

  4. I did not know what a paling was. I am glad you kept at least one.

  5. Love them so much! I have a pale aqua blue one on our porch hanging on the wall and it looks great! You chose the right one to keep! Thank you for visiting my Flora Doora blog and your nice comment! You have a beautiful blog.

    Jane \
    Flora Doora

  6. I had no clue these were called palings...I learn something new every day! I'm afraid I would have wanted to keep more than one...:) I have seen bloggers take these great old architectural pieces and create some awesome vignettes on the wall with them. I love that look...:) Is it warming up any in your neck of the woods?

    Blessings, Vicky

  7. I love historical homes and all their parts! What an incredible find!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  8. love those palings ... you will find something unusual to do with the one you kept. I had two that I connected together, end to end and made a backing for a shelf. Love anything architectural. So happy that you are keeping your promise to control the monster.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  9. What a great wall hanging this would make!

  10. I love the look of old architectural pieces hung on walls, fences or displayed on tables. Looks fabulous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  11. I love architectural pieces, especially when they have such great chippy charm like these. I'm half as old as those palings and some days I feel like I'm already missing a few pieces.

  12. I never knew they were called palings, now when I see one of those old houses, that I too, love, I will know what to call them besides railings.........
    These do have a neat shape. We used to live in Key West and all those old bohemian
    houses have the neatest palings and gingerbread work you have ever seen.........

    Terrific find.........

    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Such restraint! Good girl. However, I'm finding it useful to get things in twos recently, in case you wanted to do a symmetrical I go being a bad influence. Sometimes, though, I wish I had TWO of something, and I only have one. LOVE your palings. :)

  14. Don't leave us hanging....what are you going to do with it? And what did you do with the rest of them? I love the name palings...I have gorgeous ones on my front porch. My house is 1870.

  15. Ha ha, I love the last two lines! Those things are cool. Great garden or yard decoration. Thank you for sharing this at my History & Home Link Party! - Dawn @ We Call It

  16. Hey, Donna - I just HAD TO feature these gorgeous finds at Thrifty Life Thursday!


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