
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Poloron Cooler

Poloron cooler, planter, rusty vintage
One of the interesting items found while shopping the shed (here) was this Poloron cooler.

I kept it for several years on the front stoop with pots of red geraniums in it.

It was just the right rusty and crusty planter for the little table that sat there.

Unfortunately the little table gradually weathered into nothing and could no longer support the Poloron.

I have always wondered why it was "Poloron" instead of "Polaron".

Off to the shed it went and soon became shoved under and hidden in the murky depths.

Either zinc or galvanized inside. 

I cannot tell the difference.

The square container is still there.

It was time to clean it up and send it off to the booth to find a new home.

This is what it looked like just out of the shed minus the spider webs.

(Yes, Danni, there were live spiders crawling around in there!)

The back of it was rarely exposed to the elements so it stayed the green color.

The top is aluminum with a pressed design.

After a thorough washing and sanding the little cooler shows a lot of character.

I did not take all the rust away and did not wax it.


I will leave those decisions for the new owner.

The cooler is looking quite spiffy here.

I am thinking red geraniums.

Maybe with a bright Blue Daze.

Some white begonias.

 NO, NO, NO!

I have a new plan for the porch and yard.

I am sticking to my promise to downsize.

OOOOH, look how nicely the inside cleaned up.

(No more spiders, Danni!)

The little cooler proudly wears its name on the handle.

I hope someone buys it soon because I may cave in and bring it back home for the summer.

Of course that would mean we will still have a summer.

Stay warm and safe during this next winter storm.

Old Man Winter must be consuming too many energy drinks.

See y'all! 

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  1. It would be lovely with flowers! The perfect combination of old rust and fresh blooms.

  2. That cooler looks like something my dad used to put his fish in when he went fishing. Only his was red and it eventually rusted all over too! Yours would make a really cute planter as Magali suggested. Old Man Winter and Mother Nature just can't agree with Global Warming, the new kid, so they're putting up a pretty big fight this year.

  3. Okay...when I got this post in my email, I thought it said Poloron Color and I was curious to see what color that was exactly!!! Your cooler is cool. (sorry..had to) I would brave the spiders to shop your shed and that's saying alot!!!

  4. Ha! I do this all the time...should I keep it or take it to the shop? Well, I'd vote for you to keep this! (sorry) Love the patina :)

  5. Well Donna, I can understand exactly how you feel.... I would be wanting that beauty for myself too.. I would find it so very hard to part with all your gorgeous rusty beauties! Isnt it amazing how we get vision for things after we decide to part with them...... I wish I were close to your shop.. I would so be there buying! Wait, this may be a good thing.... lol.. blessings!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Donna ... those old coolers are great for plants, but they rust out pretty quickly. Would make a nice cooler filled with drinks for Patio parties. Yes, we will have Spring and Summer sometime, but not the kind we really want especially if it is still snowing in March/April. I remember April snow when we were in Michigan.
    The cooler should be a good seller at your store.
    Blessings ... hope this next storm is very mild.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  8. Oh, I think you deserve to keep it and fill it with geraniums!

  9. It looks very cool, I would use it for something in, but not sure what. I would love for you to share at Bacon Time linky, if you haven't already.

  10. You're such a wit, Donna! I hope your cooler sells fast, so you can keep your promise to yourself. :) Garage sale season will be starting soon, and I hope to HAVE a couple of sales to purge some stuff. I may donate some just to be able to park in my garage again.
    Thanks for sharing this charmingly rusty vintage cooler with us!

  11. It's so crusty and awesome, and I just like saying the name, Poloron... Thank you for sharing this at my History & Home Link Party! - Dawn @ We Call It


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