
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hedge Fun

ice storm damage
 I have not meant to neglect you friends out there, but Chucks and I with the help of our yard guy, Calvin, have been cutting away the ice storm damage and dragging it to the street.

We have been having hedge fun.

Sort of.

The city has a deadline for getting all this debris picked up, measured, and disposed of (probably being ground into mulch.)

 Our pile includes most of our hedge down the right side of the house and about half of the left side hedge.

At first we tried to prune the broken branches, but that proved impossible. 

We took the whole thing down to below most of the damage.

Yes, sad.

The pile is as high as a one-story house.

This is our street.  We had to leave space for a firetruck to drive through.

All the blue sky.

Have never seen this much sky since moving here in 1990.

This was all old growth oaks and hickories and pines.

That is my two-story house behind our pile.

Yes, there are still leaning trees.

Late Friday the trucks arrived on our one block street and used truck after truck to cart away what is the first pass.

We are to haul the next bit out in the coming week.

We have a long section of hedge to trim back, but luckily there were no heavy limbs on it so there is not as much damage.

We were lucky to not lose any trees.

Here is what is left of the glorious hedge row that was once here.

That empty sky?

Used to be filled with trees.

I have gotten use to the increased sunlight, but this area of the backyard is filled with shade-loving plants.

We will see how they take to a sweltering Southern summer.

A neighbor cleaning her yard last fall gave me this cutting which I planted.

It was lying under a huge limb flat as a pancake.

As we hauled limbs, it was trampled.

Then yesterday I noticed not only had it stood up straight and tall, it had put forth this beautiful red new growth.

It is still shocking to look out at the bare spaces.

We will miss the trees.

They will grow back.

Nature always heals its wounds.

See y'all!

PS  This was going to be a funny post, but just could not find humor in this.  Sorry.  I will be back to normal soon.  I promise!

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  1. I don't blame you for not feeling humorous Donna. It is sad to lose landscape you love. Y'all take care and don't overdo.

  2. Awww...I hate this part of ice storms. The other part.....more trees that suffered damage will likely die over the next 3 years. Ask me how I know.

  3. It's sad that you've had to say good-bye to so much greenery, but be thankful that it's actually green. It's melting quickly here but it will still be months before I see the ground. And remember, it's all part of the natural cycle. It's just Mother Earth taking care of things~

  4. This is the way our yards look like except our trees are not green, but a winter branch mess. Our whole country looks like this. So ready for it to be gone.

  5. Yes, Donna ... I am sure that was not much fun cleaning up all that and not something you can feel humorous about. Enjoy the pretty blue sky and you will see things growing that you did not even know was there.
    Take care not to overdo.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  6. We were over your way on Friday morning. Did you go to the estate sale on Ponderosa? We stopped by the Antique Mall on the way home. Your booth looks fabulous!

  7. That's got to be hard! So sweet that your plant made a 'comeback'! :)

  8. I'm sorry that your garden was so damaged, but nature has amazing way to be beautiful again after disasters.

  9. The winter has brought quite a bit of damage to your area. It's so nice to see a beautiful growth on one of your plants.

  10. I've lived through that kind of storm devastation and it breaks your heart to lose mature trees and plants. I feel for you in doing all that work, too!


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