
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Beauty Queen Makeover

distressed painting, faux zinc, trophies makeover
You know how you can find a multitude of trophies in the thrift stores?

That is because everybody gets one for any little thing.

They are usually made of several components of marble-like substances, metal-like substances, and gemstone-like substances.

In other words, nothing real or attractive except to a wide-eyed child.

 I found three Miss South Carolina Whatever trophies recently and decided they had a chance at being attractive with a little distressed painting.

I forgot to take a picture of the three before I started painting.

I chose a matte black sprays-everything paint for the first coat.

One coat coverage and it dried super fast.

Need to dig that can out of the trash to remember which brand.

I might have left them in the stark black.

They looked a bit intimidating though.

 This was the same day I was painting the bust and the bench so I had plenty of gloopy paint left over to give these girls a makeover.

Used a foam brush and let the paint flow down each trophy.

Sealed the paint with a matte clear coat.

They appear to be zinc now.

Much more fashion forward.

Still faux, but fabulous!

As Miss South Carolina Whatever, I think world peace is a thing we should all want for all the people of the world in bad places where they do not know that peace exists and need to know we care for them and want them to be peaceful or something like that.

Enough said, lovely lady.

See y'all!

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Thoughts from AliceDwellings-The Heart of Your HomeBy Stephanie LynnA Stroll Thru LifeThe DIY Dreamer GREEN wILLOW POND


  1. Miss Carolina Whatever...LMBO!!! Your trophies are divine, but your speech is priceless!!!

  2. That's too funny, Donna! Sounds like the contestant who really flubbed in her response to . . . now, what was it again? Love the finish you created. It looks so vintage!

  3. Donna ... you are just so funny. Love the makeover and someone is gonna love them.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  4. Hahaha! Some beauty is dying that you "quoted" her without giving her credit! And I really liked the end results. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  5. Don't laugh. I have been voted Miss South Carolina Whatever. A couple of times. In fact, I think those are my trophies. They look much nicer now.

  6. You're the most creative person! I would've never thought of this. Would've just passed them by. Love the title. Reminds me of a song, Beauty Queen Sister...

  7. Ha ha ha ha! Oh.. I needed a good laugh!! Your trophies turned out awesome.

  8. Painting trophies is a GREAT idea! I love how they turned out, so beautiful!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  9. I thrift A LOT and I have never seen one trophy for sale. You bet if I do come across one I will remember this post and try this! It makes a very unique collectible!

  10. These are so fun. I agree though, the all black was a little creepy. A few years ago my husband had a trophy made for me that says "The Everything Award". When he gave it to me he said, "Thanks for everything, here's your trophy!" It makes me smile every time I see it in our hallway.

  11. What a great idea to paint these old trophies! I would never have thought to. Love their new color! Thank you for sharing this and your bleached sweet gum balls and pretty new wall chandelier at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely week! ~Deborah

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