
Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Finds

junkin, thrift store finds, vintage finds, baskets prints
Spider bites or no spider bites, if I could manage to sit for any length of time, I did go junkin.

So sit back and prepare yourself for the multitude of Find posts yet to be written. 

Like this green suitcase.

Doesn't it look like it's sticking its tongue out?

Carom boards are always popular.

I can sell as many as I can find.

Book sale at a thrift netted a stack of children's books from the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

One red hymnal.

I had trouble deciding on only three to keep, but I am being brutal about downsizing around here.

The tall willow basket with the handle is a style I am using in the kitchen so it's a keeper.

A brass cricket box, natural basket, rolls of vintage velveteen ribbon, and ...

German postcards someone had framed.

I envisioned pots of herbs in these carriers sitting on the kitchen counter.

Could not find a single pot to fit.

Off to the booth.

Got a bundle deal if I agreed to take all of the rackets.


Love to find baskets already painted in the colors I need. 

Nice big ones.

Filled with ...

Gospel song books.

1940's framed If.

It went fast.

Two darling baby prints.

First a sleeping baby.

Titled "At Peace With The World".

The second is a cheeky baby.

Titled "That's That".

A set of four ballerinas.

A group of red books!

I love red books!

A few from the set of The World's Best Short Stories.

I enjoyed these for several weeks and then whisked them away to the booth.

Can you believe it?

Three posts in a row.

ALERT: Just to warn you I downloaded 600 photos from my camera and my phone.

And I do plan to show you most of them.

See y'all!


  1. What a great haul. I live in Florida and am well familiar with the Camp meetings. What a treasure!

  2. Glad to have you back posting all of your fabulous finds!!

  3. Can you not either use jars or tins to put your herbs in?

  4. 600 photos! Sounds like me!! I am sure all the items will sell quickly!

  5. The suitcase with the tongue sticking out made me laugh! Love the books and all the prints especially the ballerina one's! You find the best stuff. Hugs!

  6. Great junkin finds Donna! I'm heading off to Conway, SC in the morning for the Backroads Vintage Market. I hope it's a good one. Keep getting better. Love your posts and keep them coming.


  7. Great stuff Donna. So glad you could go shopping despite the terrible spider bites. I have not been junking in over six months ... I think I will have forgotten how to dig for treasures. I would love to go shopping with you ... we like the same things.
    Audrey Z.

  8. I had to look up Carom Boards. I've never heard of that or seen those before.

  9. I think you wowed us again Donna! That green suitcase does look like it's sticking out its tongue. I've quit buying suitcases...just so expensive to ship. ALMOST makes me wish I had a booth again. Seeing all your finds reminds me of that famous antiques quote....the one about "mama got rid of it & I'm buying it back." Thinking that when seeing "If" and those baby pics, which are so sweet. I can see why those would be hot. Love all your finds! Glad to see you back in the swing.

  10. Love to see your stuff - always!!! The suitcase with its tongue sticking out is a hoot!


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