
Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday Finds

junkin, thrift store finds, vintage finds, baskets prints
Spider bites or no spider bites, if I could manage to sit for any length of time, I did go junkin.

So sit back and prepare yourself for the multitude of Find posts yet to be written. 

Like this green suitcase.

Doesn't it look like it's sticking its tongue out?

Carom boards are always popular.

I can sell as many as I can find.

Book sale at a thrift netted a stack of children's books from the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

One red hymnal.

I had trouble deciding on only three to keep, but I am being brutal about downsizing around here.

The tall willow basket with the handle is a style I am using in the kitchen so it's a keeper.

A brass cricket box, natural basket, rolls of vintage velveteen ribbon, and ...

German postcards someone had framed.

I envisioned pots of herbs in these carriers sitting on the kitchen counter.

Could not find a single pot to fit.

Off to the booth.

Got a bundle deal if I agreed to take all of the rackets.


Love to find baskets already painted in the colors I need. 

Nice big ones.

Filled with ...

Gospel song books.

1940's framed If.

It went fast.

Two darling baby prints.

First a sleeping baby.

Titled "At Peace With The World".

The second is a cheeky baby.

Titled "That's That".

A set of four ballerinas.

A group of red books!

I love red books!

A few from the set of The World's Best Short Stories.

I enjoyed these for several weeks and then whisked them away to the booth.

Can you believe it?

Three posts in a row.

ALERT: Just to warn you I downloaded 600 photos from my camera and my phone.

And I do plan to show you most of them.

See y'all!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Little Dresses

vintage clothing, tiny dresses, 1950's, estate sale findI was lucky to find a box of tiny dresses from the mid 1950's back in May at an estate sale.

Able to save several.


The before photo was lost but take it from me, they were a mess.

Mice, need I say more?

Soaked them in boiling hot water with OxyClean for several hours.

Then washed and dried them.

Quite successful.

Only had two casualties - shredded.

Not a pretty sight.

This may be my favorite of the bunch.

Or maybe this blue print with a lace collar.

Yellow pinafore dress with pink embroidered flowers.

The top is smocked. 

A cutie! 

Pale pink.

And lace.

Yellow and blue ruffled romper. 

Crossed straps in the back.

Hung on tiny hangers.

No vintage hangers currently in Mini-Monster, my new craft stash.

Horror Monster has left forever.

Little dresses.

Booth W-10 Riverfront Antique Mall North Augusta SC.

See y'all!

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Attack of the Angry Arachnids

brown recluse spider bites, blue toolbox, paint project
I have been away for months it seems like.

I have a great excuse.

I have been bitten seven times by brown recluse spiders while swimming in the pool.

See all the lantana and clematis between the patio and the pool?

I enjoy the jungle look while swimming laps in my private lagoon.

Chucks found several drowned spiders in the skimmer.

Spiders become very angry when drowning.

As I backstroked down the pool, I pulled the nasty arachnids down my body where they found a spot and bit the ever-loving heck out of me.

On five different occasions.

You can go here to see what a bite looks like.

Three rounds of powerful antibiotics, daily careful debriding of the crater-like wounds, and Polysporin and finally I am well.

I have not been in the pool in weeks.

I am very lucky not to have lost any chunks of skin tissue.

I did know NOT to puncture the head on the bite.  It will release the venom into your blood stream.

My faithful sidekick Willie was playing in the garden bed while I painted this toolbox.

A loud yelp and a tremendous leap and frothing at the mouth.

Yes, poor Willie was bitten by something poisonous.

After several shots, antibiotics, and pain meds, he is on the mend.

Both of us have made a decision NOT to stroll about outside.

Started with this unfinished project of someone's.

Sprayed painted it Aqua Rust-Oleum.

Sanded and added a Minwax Golden Oak stain to age it.

Added a black handle.

Filled it with small buckets and took it over to the booth.


I was finally able to sit down, put my arms to my sides, and turn my neck after recovering from the angry spiders.

Then along came Irma tearing leaves and pine straw and small branches off the trees.

While out raking, I stepped into a fire ant bed.

I am currently NOT a fan of the insect world.

AND in February I will be radically cutting back the jungle! 

Willie insists.

See y'all!

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