
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Quickies - Little Boy Blue Ladder

quick makeover, paint project, ladder
Little Boy Blue come blow your horn.

I just wish this bad little boy would run back to my booth - he has been missing for over a week.

He is prancing around somewhere in the building.

Remember this ladder from Friday Finds a week ago? READ HERE

I was outside painting the blue dresser and decided the ladder would be the perfect companion piece.

And a quick project.

I taped over the distressed galvanized bits and covered him with Rain Storm.

I had some books on him next to the dresser.

Keeping my fingers crossed he has returned or has been re-homed.

Oh, gosh, I hope he has not been kidnapped!

See y'all!

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  1. Well Donna, he is so darn cute that he might have been kidnapped! Whenever I see one of these little ladders, I always grab them up. They have so many uses.


  2. Love the color. How in the world does a ladder just disappear??

    I tried to buy one at an estate sale yesterday but they wouldn't budge on their $ 20.00 price. I thought that was too high for me to buy and re-sell.

  3. What is it about a cute little ladder?!! Love the color. Happy Sunday. 😘

  4. Ha ha, I hope you figure out where he's gotten to :) Lovely color Donna--

  5. Stuff always disappeared from my booth but usually found its way home or was sold and the sale just hadn't caught up with me. Hope the mystery is solved soon because he is a real cutie!

  6. I just love that blue! Hopefully, he'll return to you. I just remembered that {awful} saying of the '70s: If you love it, let it go. If it comes back, it is yours. If it doesn't, it never was. {or something like that.} It kind of gags me now that I'm not 15 any more. Sappy.

  7. Donna, I hope he returns!

    xo Dianne

  8. I hope he hasn't been kidnapped either. That was my first thought. When I had my booth several things took wings & flew.

  9. It looks good in blue. I have a big one that is painted almost the same color.


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