
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Friday Finds

chalkware, blogging friends, junkin' trip, thrift shops, antique stores, door knobs
Friday Finds me missing in action.

I am suffering from a tooth abscess and have to wait to see my dentist - I have had a root canal so there is little pain.


This yawning baby was a birthday present from my sister-in-law.

What a cutie.

He's a chalkware night light.

For my birthday month of December, Linda of A La Carte came down to see me, shop and eat cake.

Here we are starting off the journey from Riverfront Antique Mall.

The Community Thrift Store in North Augusta was having a 50% off sale.

They were bursting at the seams with goodies.

There's Linda combing through the china and glassware.

Next we went to Marketplace Antiques on Broad Street in Augusta.

Whatever you collect can be found here.

This is the upstairs.

For lunch we had Curious George sandwiches for nutrition at Boll Weevil Cafe.

We saved half our sandwiches for supper.

So we could overindulge in coffee toffee cake with raspberry drizzle.

Yes, it is that HUGE!

The two of us could not finish.

I took a chunk home for later. 

We finished the afternoon back at Riverfront after a disappointing trip to a Goodwill where we found nothing!

Linda promises to shop the entire antique mall in one day.

Linda, many have promised but few have accomplished this task!

Yes, she bought bottle brush trees!

So what did I buy?

At Community Thrift I found this vanity mirror frame.

The yo yo doll will be dismembered for the yo yo's.

The bottle brush tree can be straightened and bleached and dyed.

The book and the sheep are quite happy they will not be tortured at all.

I found the stable.

Linda found the figurines - half of them chalkware and half plastic - all old.

Thanks, Linda, for letting me have them.


We did not  even find ONE orphan Baby Jesus.

At Marketplace Antiques I found this French catalog from early 1900's selling antique reproductions.

Small pieces, fabrics and draperies are listed with the dimensions and price.

I plan to save the catalog and scan the pages into the computer for projects.

And finally porcelain door knobs.

These will be in my Etsy shop in the new year.

Linda and I had a wonderful time and have made plans for more junkin' adventures.

If you live within traveling distance of Augusta, Georgia, come on and visit me for the day. 

See y'all!

Come visit the Riverfront Antique Mall dealer page on Facebook:  Dealing On The River and like us!


 I will accept reserved listings if you see something in the blog posts you want.

Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Sorry about your tooth abscess Donna...hope you can get that fixed pretty soon. Looks like you had a fine time at the antique that old catalog, and the vanity frame looks like a tombstone, but I'm sure you will turn that into something pretty! 😉

  2. Oh my we had fun (as we always do). Sorry about the tooth, hope you feel better soon. I love how the chalkware nativity figures look. Your face when I held them up let me know they were meant for you. I love my bottle brush trees and after sharing some with my Bible Study group, I still have a forest here! I'm glad you got your tree up, so try to enjoy this week before Christmas! Hugs!

  3. Sorry about your tooth Donna I hope you can get into the dentist and have that taken care of. Looks like you had fun meeting up with Linda. Glad you two had a fun day of shopping and eating. That cake oh my looked so yummo!

  4. UGH, tooth problems.... SO sorry! Can't believe you are still able to even THINK about doing a blog post! So, what are you going to do with the yo-yo pieces ? I found your orphan baby Jesus at my thrift shop last week. Found Mary on another shelf and reunited them. :-)

  5. Ouch, that sucks about your tooth!! You guys always have so much fun and you found some great things! I love the mirror frame.


  6. Love the idea of an antique catalogue selling antique reproductions! I am itching for a visit! I'm not sure if I would want to ride the ridge like we did before or go off on another tangent! Decisions...decisions. There is so much to see and buy and so little time. I'm glad you and Linda had a good time. Anyone would have a good time with you, you sweetheart! I think next time we'll ditch the visit with the relatives and shop the thrift and antique stores until we drop!!!

    I'm sorry to hear about your tooth. Once it's all fixed up, you won't be in pain and all will be well. Hope that feels better soon.

    Oh...I want/need those porcelain door knobs...maybe 4? I saw something I could make. I don't remember what it is right off hand, but I can look for it on my Pinterest or in my computer somewhere.

    Take care. Fonda

  7. happy birthday and merry Christmas xx

  8. Lots of goodies and so much more fun shopping with a thrifty friend! I love your yawning baby. Happy Birthday!

  9. It is fun to enjoy a birthday with someone of like interests.

  10. Hi Donna ... glad you had a fun time with Linda. Looks like you found some really interesting items ... even with a bad tooth. Hope it is better. The catalogue is so interesting ... a keeper for sure ... and I love the door knobs.
    Merry Christmas.
    Audrey Z.

  11. Oh how lucky to find porcelain door knobs, are they better than glass knobs? Most of my collectibles or just wants I found in MT (7 yrs) and KY where we lived for 5 yrs. Talk about wonderful antiques and vintage stores, Ky has them. First few months we lived north of Bowling Green I spent in little town Called Smith's Grove. Hubs was on road trucking so was alone out in country.Not many antique stores in Grand Junction, CO, that have found that is, never have Antique shows. oh do I miss those wonderful stores in KY.
    Must be much more fun to have a friend to go antiquing and thrifting. Looked like you two had great time. Happy birthday. How sweet she let you have those characters.
    Hope by now you've been to dentist and your pesky tooth is better.
    Enjoy rest of holiday season and Merry Christmas.

  12. Hi Donna,
    That catalog is my favorite will have fun with that.
    I wish I lived close enough to treasure hunt with you. You girls had a great time- that cake! Yum.
    Hope your tooth is better.
    Kisses for the furbabies!
    xoxo, T.


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