
Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday Finds

flea market finds, vintage style, palmetto tree
Chucks and I took a short trip to the flea market last Saturday. 

Short for two reasons.

One: we picked up a nail in a tire and had to drive 45 miles back home.

Two: the oppressive heat saps all my junkin' juice right out my pores.

Fell in lust with this round copper pot because of the verdigris.

You can tell it once had a base, but it would be great to string it by wire from the holes left in it.

You know you may find a bargain when -

When tables wobble but they don't fall down.

Small blue table in need of a makeover.

There is not ONE tight joint anywhere.

Major surgery may be necessary.

Stay tuned.

When the temps rise above 100F and no one bakes cookies.

A whole bag of copper cookie cutters.

When wire planters need new cocomats.

When someone paints who shouldn't.

(You have to admit the kitty is too cute to leave behind. Imagine a whole wall of bad art.)

When a craft is no longer popular.

I used to candlewick in the early 1980's.

Another kitty I could not pass by.

When a seller hates rust.

A double bike basket.

A rusty green tackle box.

When an old ladder is just an old, beat-up ladder.

This one has great patina and a couple of very clever make-do's.

When everyone yells, "That's the coolest thing at the flea market today!"

We love our state flag in South Carolina.  

Everyone has palmetto tree/crescent moon clothing, shoes, decor, dishes, totes, ties, and on and on.

I spied this huge tree beside a truck.

I was surprised no one had purchased it.

So I did.

Then everyone wanted one.

Made by the artist from parts of her barn.

I plan to enjoy it for awhile and then sell it.

Because quite simply it IS the Coolest thing!!!

Next week I will try not to shop except in the attic and shed.

Both spaces are packed with treasures.

Of course if the perfect estate sale arises, I will be hoofing it down the road.

Be sure to get out of my way.

See y'all!


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  1. I love the things you find and buy. The tree is really awesome!! It has been so so hot but still we junk!

  2. Donna you are like a lucky find magnet. You find the coolest stuff. You are a junkin queen. Happy Friday and have a great week end.

  3. I love that copper pot too... and the old ladder... I've been looking for one like that. Can't wait to see the makeover of that cute little table!


  4. I haven't even LOOKED at what sales are going on! I am still resisting the urge. BUTTTTTT... one of my friend's great aunt passed away and he keeps sending me pics of all the stuff he knows I'll want. Likely I'll make the trip to her house sometime soon. I have a new booth to fill up starting Aug 1st...

  5. I can't stand to junk in the heat like are brave! Cool finds! I happen to love candlewicking. I can see that kitty made into a baby pillow! So sweet. Have a good weekend! xo, T.

  6. You never disappoint ! ... even with the heat and a nail in the tire, you did good. I would likely make a pendant light with the copper pot piece.

  7. I like the little wobbly table and I know you can work your magic on it.

  8. I thought the palms looked like old saw blades. Might be an idea for using old saws!

  9. Not bad for a trip cut short! I am loathing this humidity too!

  10. Don't bother to head to Nashville. I can find no good bargains anywhere. My shopping now is limited to Hobby Lobby when all the look-old stuff is 1/2 price. I told Hubby this morning. I am ready to go back to GA, spend a week there junkin at my favorite places. I intend to do that soon.

  11. I always love your finds but your commentary is always too funny!


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