
Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday Finds Me At The Beach

Surfside Beach, vacation
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

If so, I am back.

From vacation.

We followed Tropical Storm Bonnie to Surfside Beach on the South Carolina coast for a few days of relaxation.

Chucks and I both were pure-T tuckered after the Magnolia Ridge Antiques & Art Gathering.

There's Myrtle Beach several miles down the beach with the skyscraping towers.

We usually stay in a condo or house, but for these few days, we chose a hotel.

Surprisingly not a lot of vacationers around.    

Clouds, but still nice on the beach.

I love walking the beach.

(Random people who never suspected they were photo-bombing.)

Perfect waves this day for floating on my back.

My favorite view.



One day of a beautiful azure sky.

I was bound and determined to catch a photo of dawn. 

On the last day I got up early and was disappointed this was all I saw.

Then the clouds lifted and behold the East coast sunrise!

Each morning a pair of mallards came to swim in the pool.

We returned home last week with horrible summer colds.

So bad I totally missed out on the PeachTree 23 Long Yard Sale.

The first time I did not go in eleven years.

No one will believe this, but I have not shopped or bought anything in FOUR weeks!

An all-time record for me.

Lord only knows how many rusty and crusty orphans are out there waiting for me.

My biggest find lately has been my dining room table - all projects gone.

(Yes, I see those lurking in the background!)

I also found my living room after unloading all the items left over from the farm sale.There are a few left in the booths.

One more lazy day and I will be back at work.

I promise.

See y'all!

(And I missed y'all.)


 Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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  1. Donna, Surfside looked really nice! I love it when a beach is NOT crowded. Hate summer colds, what a way to end a perfectly nice vacation. And yes, it's hard to believe you haven't shopped in 4 weeks. Those were probably the 4 weeks I did shop, I could feel that buzz come up from SC. Hope your energy's restored.

  2. Hi Donna! Just looking at your vacation photos made me relax. Love the ocean and colors and waves...on and on....sounds like a well deserved getaway after all of your busy projects. Looking forward to what you have planned next!

  3. It is always nice to take time off to laze at a beach.

  4. Your biggest find was your dining room table- hahahaha!
    I'm sorry you and Chucks got the dreaded summer cold. But I loved your beach photos and you captured a perfect moment in the sunrise.
    Hope y'all feel better soon so you rusty crusty hunters can return to what you do best. xoxo, T.

  5. The beach vacations shots were all good. Sorry you came home sick and missed a sale haha

    my kids just came home from Gulf Shores Alabama and they said hardly no one was on the beach there the entire week

  6. Awww love the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves. So wonderful. Glad you got to enjoy this.

  7. I was wondering where you were? The beach always restores me! I need a beach trip soon I think. Glad to see you getting some things cleaned out, but 4 weeks??? Girl I'm shocked. We must plan another trip soon to shop and talk and eat lunch and laugh out loud!!

  8. I hate summer colds hope you and Chucks recover soon. Glad you are back and that you found your dining room table. I'm still looking for my kitchen table and I just loaded it up even more with some estate sale stuff from this morning. A four week hiatus is just what I need.

  9. Oh Donna, I wail!!! You were only an hour away!!! And, we could have pickup up cat food and stopped at Target, too!

    My sweetie and I also have had the summer cold this past two weeks. I so rarely get sick. Luckily, it didn't drag me down.

    Now that you've found your table, is it time to start in again? It's too bad you didn't make it to one of your usual haunts. Hopefully, you will find something as equally magnificent in the days to come. I hope you did well at Magnolia Ridge.

    Take care. Fonda

  10. Hi Donna,
    Glad you had fun at the Beach. Surfside Beach isn't too far away from Calabash and it would have been great if you could have made it up this way. However, I realized you were there for some much needed R&R. Glad you enjoyed it. You timed it just right, because now the vacationers are here!!


  11. You deserved that break, now get back to work! :-) I know you can't rest for long, so I am glad you got the ocean and sunrise in.

  12. Summer colds are the worst. Hope you're feeling better now.

  13. At least the cold waited until you all got home. Very good to follow up a busy time with some down time. Glad you enjoyed it!

  14. Yes Donna, I have been watching for you. I know you needed some time to rest. Glad to see you back and had a nice vacation. Hurry and get over that old summer cold.
    Audrey Z.

  15. You absolutely deserved your vacation! Hubby and I went to the other coast this past weekend. I shared a little of what we did on Instagram. So, now a little over a week out from the last time I went junking. Think a little bit longer of a break is in order, while I get my huge lot of finds organized from the last trip (yard sale route). I have yet to photograph or write about my finds yet. Honestly, there are still several boxes of stuff packed up. I've forgotten what I bought!

  16. The beach looks beautiful! Sounds like a great vacation. Hope you're both over your colds. Summer colds are such a bummer. Love that you found your dining room table again.

  17. We just got back from the beach and I am already missing it. Hope you got over those terrible summer colds quick!


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