
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Photo Opportunity

vintage photos, vintage postcards, papal audience - 1930
No Quickies post this Sunday.  The weather was nice enough to complete large projects and do some cleaning.

Remember back in January I shopped from home for photographs and postcards?

Here are more of the collection.

There were many babies in this group - good sellers.

Another group in great shape.

This is a family - Lillian, Helen and William.

One photo each year.

I bought another group of photos from the same dealer and got more of the same family.

I now wish I knew Lillian, Helen and William's last name so I could look them up.

The dealer stuck in an extra with the group - a tin type.

Yes, the photo is really on tin. 

I will probably sell it.

If it was a child or baby, I would keep it.

At an estate sale I chanced upon this tattered and torn album.

Filled with numerous postcards - black and white - photos of Rome.

There was only one snapshot of three of the four who were traveling together.

How did I know there were four?

Why were they in Rome?

What exciting event did they attend?

This document was on the last page.  The corner torn was the entrance ticket.

A loose translation:

 The Papal Antechamber 
His Holiness receives in audience
The day ____ at 12.30 
Camillo Caccia Dominioni
Vatican Master of Chamber of His Holiness 

It is dated December 31, 1930.

There are instructions for the proper dress for the audience.

The ticket is for four. 

I am such a history geek that I got a huge thrill over finding this even though there are probably thousands of them floating around.

And I can't let you go without confessing the sin of gluttony.

I bought another 200 postcards!

Update on Miss Peepers:  She checked out fine at the vet.  Needs to gain a few pounds and stay inside for a few more days until her strength is back.

See y'all!


  1. I love your collection of pictures and those postcards are just gorgeous. They look like art to be framed. I understand wanting to collect the postcards but not sure why old photos of people you don't know are collectible. What do you use them for? Just curious. Great news on Miss Peepers. Hopefully she stays near home the next time she goes out. Our kitty was missing for 2 weeks in frigid weather years ago. She never went far away from home again!

  2. I don't know how I missed the news of Miss Peepers returning. I'm so glad she found her way home. Sounds like she might have been trapped somehow and unable to get free ... until? In any event, you're back to your former (didn't want to say old) self and can truly get on with your finds and a peaceful mind.

  3. You always find such neat things!

  4. Very exciting post to your fellow history geek, Donna. Incredible find on the album! Love the postcards and photos- the tintype, too. And I would go mad trying to identify the family. LOL
    I'm so happy that Miss Peepers is doing well. I imagine Azalee is waiting in a corner somewhere- working on her Plan B. ;)

  5. Love the old photos! The postcards are fun but the old scrap book with the Rome visit is my favorite!! Give Miss Peepers a hug for me.


  6. I just love these finds! I was given a photo album with many pictures that I just love. Babies on fur rugs even. In the back there are many old black and white post cards of great Alaskan scenes. It would probably sell for quite a bit, but I can't bring myself to sell it. I just love it.

  7. It is sad that family photographs get separated from their families. I would keep Peepers in forever! Build a catio for her!

  8. I love old pretty postcards, and all those photos would be so fun to look through. I've never seen a tin type in person, but that one look pretty cool. I'm so glad to hear that Miss Peepers is doing well. She'll be back to her old self in no time I'm sure.

  9. Awesome group of vintage pictures. Baby pictures are so precious. 200 postcards !!! Oh my, that should be fun and keep you busy for awhile.

  10. I love looking at old photos. My grandmother's family did not have a camera when she was growing up and they used to have their photos taken by a professional photographer. I have her album and each photo is a gem and in mint condition. Things were so well made once. Big sigh.


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