
Sunday, February 28, 2016


quick makeovers on vintage finds
One warm day was perfect for cleaning and waxing.

First up was this primitive cabinet door.

I could glimpse a bit of green under all the dust and grime.

The soda crate was filled with spider eggs and dried wood.

Both were scrubbed and dried in the sun.

Then two generous coats of Howard's Feed-N-Wax to restore their glow.

Just look at them.

And they smell right pretty too!

Yes, I found the green and a bit of blue and the heart pine underneath.

This is the back of the door after the waxing.

The door sold right away.

It was a beauty.

 The end of the road.

This old sign had lost most of its yellow reflective coating.

 I scraped off all the loose yellow.

Then again with the scrubbing and the waxing.

The sign had a great big dent so Chucks ran over it a couple of times to help flatten it.


Ready to go to the end of the road.

Scrubbed and waxed.

Forgot the before.

Oh, well.

Back to work.

See y'all!

My Etsy shop is on vacation so I can clean up a bit and clear out items lingering too long.

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Friday, YIKES, Saturday Finds

Thrift shopping, vintage finds
I have been down with a bug for several days and totally lost track of time. So Friday came and went without me even noticing.

However I did have time to shop before getting ill.

Found this New York Trust ladder with metal extension feet.

I stay low on windows in the booth this time of year - I was happy to find these two.

A stack of backs to award plaques.

(Say that three times!)

The tiny distressed pink bucket could not be left behind.

An octagonal plasticized table which looks nothing like this now.

Two suitcases.

Paint?  Sell?

Paint?  Sell?

Decisions, decisions.

While out scavenging for food last Saturday, Chucks and I found an estate sale where the guy just wanted to load our truck with his junk.

I bought this table and a few smalls, and we escaped as quickly as we could!

On Tuesday I met Linda of A La Carte in Madison, Georgia.  

I will tell you all about the fun we had soon.

Meanwhile, here are a few of the items I found on our treasure hunt.

A painted grater.

A restaurant mug.

A candlestick table already painted and stenciled with a fern design.

A cherub door bucket.

Two film canisters - rusty!

A lovely silverplate basket with a grape leaf design.

A metal Easter egg basket.

A blue basket filled with cookie and biscuit cutters.

A mushroom planter - a twin of one I found a few months ago.    

An aluminum sieve - may keep this for fruit.

A small golf ball basket.

Yes, we shopped most of the day.

Yes, Linda bought some treasures too.

Yes, we plan on repeating the treasure hunt again.

Meanwhile I have a ton of things to get ready for the booth.

See y'all!


My Etsy shop is on vacation so I can clean up a bit and clear out items lingering too long.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Photo Opportunity

vintage photos, vintage postcards, papal audience - 1930
No Quickies post this Sunday.  The weather was nice enough to complete large projects and do some cleaning.

Remember back in January I shopped from home for photographs and postcards?

Here are more of the collection.

There were many babies in this group - good sellers.

Another group in great shape.

This is a family - Lillian, Helen and William.

One photo each year.

I bought another group of photos from the same dealer and got more of the same family.

I now wish I knew Lillian, Helen and William's last name so I could look them up.

The dealer stuck in an extra with the group - a tin type.

Yes, the photo is really on tin. 

I will probably sell it.

If it was a child or baby, I would keep it.

At an estate sale I chanced upon this tattered and torn album.

Filled with numerous postcards - black and white - photos of Rome.

There was only one snapshot of three of the four who were traveling together.

How did I know there were four?

Why were they in Rome?

What exciting event did they attend?

This document was on the last page.  The corner torn was the entrance ticket.

A loose translation:

 The Papal Antechamber 
His Holiness receives in audience
The day ____ at 12.30 
Camillo Caccia Dominioni
Vatican Master of Chamber of His Holiness 

It is dated December 31, 1930.

There are instructions for the proper dress for the audience.

The ticket is for four. 

I am such a history geek that I got a huge thrill over finding this even though there are probably thousands of them floating around.

And I can't let you go without confessing the sin of gluttony.

I bought another 200 postcards!

Update on Miss Peepers:  She checked out fine at the vet.  Needs to gain a few pounds and stay inside for a few more days until her strength is back.

See y'all!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Finds

crates, dresser, silver tray, vintage finds
As most readers know by now, our greatest find this past week was our cat Miss Peepers who returned home after missing for eleven days.

(Read Lost and Found)

However I did find some things.

I have cleaned, sanded, and painted fifteen crates - will reveal the reason soon.

My next door dealer at the mall offered this beauty at a bargain price.

Thanks, Pamn!

She has been sanded but not painted yet.

The dresser, not Pamn.

A toolbox never finished.

A brass urn.

A binocular case.

A distressed metal file box.

All will be sold.

A big bin of cabinet paint samples.

I plan to make small signs with some and sell the rest for customers to create their own.

The problem is the giant sticker of info on the back of each one.

It took thirty minutes to remove ONE!!!

A stack of buckets from Hobby Lobby.

They will not look like this for long.

Guess who stopped by the other day with another bucket of horse shoes?


He promises to bring me something special the next time he is in the neighborhood.

I will have to look carefully at the marks on the bottom of this tray.

It might be real silver.

It does not matter - I am a sucker for engraved trays.

 Presented To
Mr. - Mrs. S.S. Westcott
By The Church School Teachers Association
Church Of Our Saviour
Roslindale, Mass
June 5th - 1925

A globe - sell.

A saltine tin - keep.

A blue suitcase - paint.

A Remington - already at Booth W-10.

Nassau Beach Hotel hanger.

An electric altar candle - even the votive has a bulb in it.  Great details.  I do not dare plug it in.

Whisk broom, dust pan, two rulers, tape measure, green sanding block.

Found in the trash at an estate sale.

A bag of cookie and biscuit cutters.

 A belated Valentine

If some of the pics seem familiar, it is because I have gone to the dark side after being coerced by friends to join Instagram.

I am not quite sure what I am doing, but I have followers and people look at the photos on there.

See y'all!

My Etsy shop is on vacation so I can clean up a bit and clear out items lingering too long.

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