
Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Finds

Thrift shopping, vintage finds
Another group of smalls this week.

Can you tell I am over winter and ready for spring?

Bought a box of painted clay pots.

Ms. Bunny came along for the ride. 

Could not resist her B**ch Bunny expression.

Old enough to remember record stores?

Two posters on poly boards - Goo Goo Dolls and REM.

These four were grouped together on the discount table.

I had to keep them together.

Rebecca is a soft cover French edition.

"Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again."

One of THE best opening lines for a novel.

If you have not read it or seen the Hitchcock movie version.


I love a whats-it.

However after taking the top off, I knew what it was.

A handmade light box.

The clear glass top has two other panes - one more opaque than the other.

Inside is a low wattage bulb, a high wattage bulb, and a blue bulb.

The wring is positively ancient.

I probably would not plug it in anywhere in my house. 

A wire basket.

A silverplate small tray engraved "J. S. '64".

Three spice shakers.

An old gold frame.

A sign board which will become a sign board.

You probably guessed that.

A stack of old green and brown file folders. 

Blue splatterware crock.

A metal compote.

A cherub's head.

A pair of Redoute' (I probably misspelled the name) floral prints.

The frames are new.

A framed Dear Mother poem.

Sixteen aluminum molds.

A large bamboo birdcage which will probably be painted in the near future.

There is no "probably" about where I am right now.

Olive from Olive Out (still not blogging, but on Instagram) and Distressed Donna are on the road in search of some major league junk.

Olive even made us a sign for the trip.

If we come home, then I will probably-

See y'all!

My shop is closed for much needed renovations!

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Adirondack Girl @ Heart


  1. Cool stuff. Love the B bunny. Yes, I'm over winter, but apparently winter's not over with us. So, I remain do-less.

  2. I'm definitely over winter as well . .. we are anticipated for another cold front coming next week! BLAH. That little wire basket is so YUMMY! Wish I had it :D

  3. Love that bamboo bird cage! That would make a lovely focal point! Have fun junkin! Great sign!

  4. Good amount of smalls. That birdcage!! Love the sign Olive Out made you guys. The truck in the picture is dreamy. I have an awesome junky surprise coming up next week and I can't wait to share it with everyone! :)

  5. Come pick me up. I'll grab my purse.
    (Am I out of the loop, or if there is a shaker marked "Spice" is that just a wildcard? "This needs some spice." "Awesome, I've got that."

  6. I am so ready for spring. We had a record 69 degree day on Wednesday and then back down to 45 and pouring rain yesterday. Mother Nature can be so mean!!!

    Are you on Instagram yet, Donna?


  7. Road trip!! I love junkin road trips! Have fun.

  8. Y'all have a great time and come back with some treasures to share with us!

  9. Am I the only one who WANT'S snow ?? Last year we had it on the ground everyday all winter, we have none in Ohio !! I can relate to the bunny after talking to my insurance co. Lol I love the basket , new or old ? I told Olive to get you to come over to the dark side with us , IG !!
    I won't even tell you two to have fun , it'll be had .�� TT ❤️

  10. Too bad they did not have the whole set of the spice containers.

  11. Lucky you - I could use a good junking trip right about now. Have fun!

  12. An interesting variety, Donna. Great birdcage and the light box is so unusual. Have a safe and fun trip with Olive.

  13. Great stuff Donna! I'm curious, what are you going to do with the file folders? Do you sell them, use them for yourself? We still use those where I work! lol!


  14. I love all your finds! Olive is a genius with that sign!! I am loving it. Hope you find lots of junk!

    xo Dianne

  15. Can I come? Swing by Shallotte (nearer the beach). I'll sit on the wall and wait for you!

    I thought of "Beach" bunnie, "birch" bunnie, "bench" bunnie and "bunch" bunnie....but they certainly wouldn't have that "b!*ch bunnie" face!!!

  16. So nice of Miss Bunny to tag along! I love the collection of old moulds.

  17. Awesome finds!! Hope you and Olive are having fun junkin'! I bet you are finding some good stuff. Can't wait to see...:)

  18. Lots of fun favorite is the bunny!

  19. WOW! So much good stuff! Love the molds, and the florals, and that wire basket is fabulous. Can't wait to see what you found on your junkin trip. Sounds like fun!

  20. Great stuff Donna. The bunny is adorable but I'm in love with the bird house. My grandmother had those same spice shakers in a cute little rack. I have them now. Thank you for sharing your wonderful vintage finds with us at Vintage Charm. sb


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