
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving At The Lake

family event, Thanksgiving camping
A relaxing Thanksgiving at the lake with family.

The first look at lake.

My brother brings his trailer down to the campground for us to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Olivia with her morning coffee.

A cool, but tolerable day - started in the forties and rose into the upper sixties.

Grandma Jo and Olivia.

Chucks and I in our official turkey outfits.

Salmon smoking on the grill.

(My brother is a heck of a good cook!)

A plate of macaroni, mixed veggies, and the salmon.

We like to walk the beach to find animal tracks.

A small deer with a larger one. 

Ferris, me, and Olivia.

Dancing around the old fire pit.

One last walk down the beach and it is back to civilization.

And thrift shops!

See y'all!

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  1. Hi Donna,
    What a wonderful way to spend the Holiday. Love all the family pics and love seeing you.

  2. Oh, what fun!! I love that you had salmon on Thanksgiving! Yes, now it is back to reality!

  3. A fun family celebration. Beautiful to see, Donna.

  4. Looks very relaxing! The perfect Thanksgiving to me!


  5. Oh Donna how sweet to be with your family by the lake. What a great group of family pics. Loved your post today. So happy you had a great time all together.

  6. What a great way to spend Thanksgiving, Donna. I love anything alternative to the traditional Thanksgiving. Glad you had a good time - it looked like a lot of fun.

  7. In that photo it looks like Chucks gave you a tickle! Glad your holiday was wonderful!

  8. Looks like a perfect Thanksgiving. Low stress, beautiful scenery, delicious food and family! Doesn't get better than that! I don't remember ever seeing Chucks in a picture two are the cutest! Have a great weekend!

  9. What a great way to spend Thanksgiving ... stress-free and good food with family. Olivia is so beautiful. Great pictures of all the family. Good to see Grandma there too.
    Have a great week.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  10. What a nice Thanksgiving. I always love being near the water. Sounds like you had a cooler day than we did.

  11. That salmon looks amazing!!
    And your turkey outfits are my kinda outfits! ;)
    Looks like you had an amazing Thanksgiving, and your walk on the beach looked heavenly!

  12. Sounds and looks like a great day to me. Awesome way to spend Thanksgiving or any day for that matter. I'm so glad the weather cooperated for you.

  13. What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving. We wanted to go to the lake this year but my son couldn't get away from school so we stayed home. Getting to spend the day with my son was all worth it tho.

  14. Love the photos of you and your family and am so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  15. Looks like you enjoyed a great Thanksgiving!
    Lovely photos of your family.
    I have a brother in law named Chuck, and he resembles your Chuck, wow!

    It's nice to visit with you~ Debbie

  16. It seems to have been an unusual and very fun thanksgiving celebration. Please tell Olivia I love her sweater!

  17. I have to say I am reluctantly unsubscribing to your posts simply because Bloglovin has made it impossible for me to enjoy reading your site. The HUGE black banner that obscures most of your page, the constant popup telling me I have to subscribe (even though I already subscribe), all makes it an unpleasant experience to come to read here. Sorry but Bloglovin has ruined what used to be a pleasant experience.


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