
Sunday, September 6, 2015


quick makeovers, fruit crate, trunk tray, fire bucket, vintage ladder
I am patting myself on the back.

I completed so many quickies this past week I could not possibly put them all into this Sunday morning quickie post.

Here are a few.


Remember the fruit crate made into a cabinet?

I rather liked the old yellow Contact paper on the outside.

But the inside was covered in creepy white paper.

All the paper was falling off.

Out came the sander.

Inside and outside.

When I discovered some parts of the paper labels underneath, I carefully used a scraper.

The huge trunk tray's original paper was almost non-existent.

So it received a heavy sanding and a thorough washing.

I have a feeling there were a few undesirables living in its cracks.

Both the fruit crate and the trunk tray were given several coats of clear wax. 

Ready to hang on a wall!

A group photo of all including the fire bucket which needed cleaning and waxing.

Off the booth!

I decided to paint the ladder.

It had red brackets at the top which I left.

This handmade pedestal needed regluing and cleaning.


One coat of turquoise was not enough for the pedestal.

The ladder really stands out in a crowd now.

Can't you see tiny white or orange pumpkins on it?

Here's a middle photo of the pedestal.

It was distressed and waxed, but I forgot an after pic.

Both ladder and pedestal off to the booth.

If I can maintain my quickie pace, there might be hope of all projects completed by Thanksgiving.

What am I saying!?!

Some have been around here for years.

See y'all!

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  1. Your on a roll with the quickie's !! I really love that big hanging wall crate and the fire bucket. A little wax does the job. Don't talk about undesirable's or creepy crawler's . Yuck !! Brought a box home from an auction that had huge centipede's!!!!!!!!! I'm scared for life:(((( Now you, the hubster, two cat's and two overly rambunctious dog's chill out today and tommorrow, if you can sit stil ?!?!
    Take care my friend, TT

  2. Put some red pots and pans on that ladder. The colors will pop and it will go home to someone's farmhouse kitchen. Wish it were mine! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  3. You are doing so well with these quickes and feeling accomplished! Keep going!

  4. Love the ladder and the color is great. Have a good Sunday.

  5. Brian has a sturdy old wood ladder that he keeps on the side of the house to use when he waters the hanging baskets that are out of his reach. Think he'd notice if I painted it an amazing turquoise color? Who cares!


  6. Great job Donna, you're on a roll!!


  7. Wow Donna, you must have taken an energy pill!! I love all of your projects and it's hard to pick a favorite. But, if I did pick one it would be the ladder and the old trunk drawer.


  8. Donna ... amazing that you are getting so many "quickies" done ... looking so good and ready to go to the shop. Keep up the good work and keep dreaming about getting them all done before Thanksgiving. You did not say what year 2016 or beyond ???

  9. Always enjoy a good quicky! You aways transform them to look the best they can!

  10. The color on the ladder and plant stand is great!

  11. Great work, Donna; you've inspired me!! Yes, I will get some projects done this week :) Love your revitalized shelf and cupboard--posting on facebook--

  12. I am so glad you were able to find and preserve the labels on that fruit crate. You are on such a roll right now. If you do wrap everything up by Thanksgiving, then Santa can bring you a whole new batch of projects!

  13. Good luck with completing more projects. I barely have any time lately. Working a ton at the day job. Class 2 nights a week for 3 hours each night (but graduation is coming up in May!). And the wedding countdown has officially begun. Its 5 1/2 weeks away. I only have one project left to complete - my bouquet! I'm just so ready for a break from all the madness!

  14. What a transformation paint can make! Great projects!

  15. You are on a roll girl. Keep it up! Love the transformations! I'm going to put pumpkins on my white ladder for Halloween. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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