
Sunday, August 9, 2015

A No Quickie Sunday

Family, pets
It is a no quickie Sunday.

My mother has developed some more health issues and had to have some tests run this past week.

She is feisty and determined to do everything for herself.

Prayers accepted and welcomed.

Do NOT under any circumstances tell her I show a pic of her on my blog.

On Wednesday night at 11PM, Willie took off after Azalee, the cat.

He slid for several feet on the hardwood floors.

He screamed for about 15 minutes while his hind quarters were temporarily paralyzed.

Chucks and I got him calmed down.

As large as this area is, we have NO emergency vet services within 30 miles.

We called the emergency vet hospital in Georgia and got some helpful hints to get him through the night.

Willie walked carefully around the backyard until 2AM.

He was in terrible pain.

Dropped him off at our vet at 7AM.

He has wrenched a disk in his spine.

No lasting paralysis.

Keeping Willie from jumping, running, and prancing is near impossible.

We go back Tuesday for an update on his condition.

I really appreciate all the comments you left on my last three posts.

I had scheduled them ahead of time because I knew I would be busy with my mother.

I promise I read all the nice comments, but was unable to personally thank you as I usually do.

Life happens.

See y'all!

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  1. Great picture of your mom - wishing and praying for a speedy recovery from whatever ails her! Willie is included in well wishes, too - everything always happens at once!

  2. My mom doesn't even want a picture taken let alone shown on the internet! Prayers her tests come out well. Hope your doggie is fine too.

  3. Donna, your mom is a doll !! I'm sorry she's not feeling up to par. Good time to remind every lady to get their Bone Density Scan. I just did. I'm 50 and have the bone's of a 71 year old. They're are so very many preventable measure's
    Poor Willie, our pet's become our children, we both know that. Please keep us updated on both of their health . Sending lot's of positive energy and prayer's down your way my friend,TT

  4. Good Morning Donna. Sorry about Willie hope the meds and trying to keep him calm will help. Hope your mom's test all come out good and nothing too serious. Sending prayers.

  5. Hell yes, Life Happens. You couldn't have said it any better. Prayers for your sweet mom and naughty Willie!


  6. Yup! Your mom looks pretty spunky ! Even her earrings are feisty! :-) I hope she's good. Sorry for Willie. Guess that'll teach him to go after kitties! As a pet lover, I hope he will be good as new.

  7. what cute dimples she has, hope all is well with your cute mom and bad dog willie xx

  8. Your Mom is beautiful and such a great smile. I will pray that they find the problem and can help her. Sorry about Willie too ... hope he will soon be okay. I know what you mean when 'life happens'. Take care of yourself too.
    Audrey Z.

  9. Oh no, poor Willie and your mom! I hope all goes well for the both of them. You and your family are in my thoughts Donna.


  10. Prayers continue for you,your Mom and now sweet Willie!


  11. Hope everything will be ok, you all will be in my prayers.

  12. Like does happen and I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and Willie. I suppose you have your hands full with both of them ailing! Will be keeping you all in my prayers. Please keep us posted!

  13. Hope your mom will be fine and Willie heals well.

  14. Life definitely happens sometimes. I hope your mom and Willie will both be OK. Sending prayers and positive energy your way.

  15. I have no doubt that your mom is feisty! :-) When does she get the results back? I hope things go well for both her and Willie. Is he on meds? Please take care of yourself as well. There's a lot of caregiving for others on your plate right now.

  16. Sending prayers for your mom and hoping you all have a nice week.

  17. Great picture of your Mom! I pray only good news comes of the tests. And that your sweet Willie recovers from his injury. It's so hard to see an animal in pain!

  18. Prayers for your momma & your fur baby!

  19. Sometimes it's harder to see pet in pain than human. Hey if I (at 75) looked as good as your Mom I wouldn't mind having my picture taken, (but hate it). Hope all will be well with her, all her tests show things that can be solved with patience.
    As for your pooch, will be hard on him but he'll learn to slow down, take it easier or he'll hurt like crazy. So hard to see them in pain when you can't do anything for them essentially. Vet bills aren't fun to have either. Prayers for you and family and pooch. Keep us up to date ok?

  20. Oh! I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and Willie. I hope they both get better soon. Sending up hugs and prayers!!


  21. I'm a little late reading this post, but I'll keep you in my htoughts in those busy and difficult times.


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