
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Peach City Pickin's Or My Big Giant Hand

folk art hand, rsuty vintage stuff, industrial decor, vintage bird cage
Last Friday Chucks and I drove up the interstate a bit to Peach City (Gilbert, SC) for a little rust hunting.

Boy, did we ever find it!

AND I bought a big giant hand!

Created by a folk artist, but not signed.

You can see it is almost as long as the tailgate.

Either side of it makes for a great display.

It is right hefty.

Eight of these industrial holders.

Love the rusty patina on the gray and red metal.

Looks like they held spools of some sort.

They are standing on their ends here.

Holes for mounting these on the left.

They are half-rounds with the four compartments.

Standing on end in the garden.

Or filled with moss and potting soil for planters.

A huge flat springs with rounded edges.

A giant bird cage in crusty, rusty white.

Just right for a Madonna or Santos figure.

I can imagine the huge flat springs hanging crosswise on a white wall with the giant hand mounted on it.

All now available at Booth W-10, Riverfront Mall.

You can drool over the rust and crust at Peach Festival Gardens on their FaceBook page.

I love all the comments you have been leaving, but there are more and more "no reply" commenters.  Some of you I can answer because I have your email on file.  However I feel bad when I cannot respond to a delightful comment.  Please know I treasure each comment even if I am not able to respond.

See y'all!

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  1. Love that hand to death! Awesome finds all around--those industrial holders are very cool. I agree, on their side with pretty posies, they'd look fantastic. Enjoy the rest of your week, Donna :)

  2. What an awesome rusty crusty haul. I'm really diggin' those industrial holders. I'm picturing them mounted so that they can hold spools of ribbon.

  3. What??? YOu are not keeping that giant hand??? Halloween is just around the corner you know!

  4. I love the rusty patina on the metal! Not sure what to say about the hand, lol. Definitely a one of a kind find!

  5. You hit the jackpot, Donna. I am frustrated that I am so far away and unable to haul some of your loot home. The giant hand should be in your yard- as a warm welcome to the new neighbors!

  6. Wow! That giant hand is awesome! I've never seen anything like it.

  7. Miss Donna; You and Chucks most certainly did find a Treasure Trove of Goodies, on this last trip!!!!
    I LOVE, LOVE the Hand!!!! That would look too Great in a Yard.......(My Yard!!!! :-) Covered in some greenery.....It reminds me so much of the movie "Edward Scissor Hands"
    The Industrial Holders are too Cool....I wish that I had one to use for Plants, as I have some Jasmine that would be so Beautiful on one!!!
    You find the Best Things!!!!!
    Take Care. I Hope that you both are doing well.

  8. Good stuff Donna. Yes, that rusty springs and big hand will make an awesome display in your booth. Lots of possibilities for those half-round pieces.

  9. Oooo, the hand!! Just the right amount of creepy!

  10. Hey, sister in rust, I could see those half-round things as legs on a console table...very cool. : )

  11. just thinking about PLANTING is wonderful :) Love the unusual hand!

  12. just thinking about PLANTING is wonderful :) Love the unusual hand!

  13. Now...that is a HUGE hand! I can't believe you're selling it! I thought for sure you would keep it with your other body! You found some unique things on this hunt, but you always do! You need that big hand to rake in all the money you must be making lately with all the awesome things you are selling in your booth! LOL! Have a great Wednesday!

  14. The more I read and see on blog posts the more I know we should have either stayed in MT (1st. choice always) or in KY. KY's climate didn't agree with me at all and the summer humidity was down right awful (100%) after living in west with low humidity. Humidity/mold is awful on allergies, asthma and arthritis especially, suffered alot in KY. But, -- there were many good things about KY, like antiques, great vintage finds and prices, antique shows and sales, fair prices.
    Love that crazy huge hand. Why are you selling it? It's really awesome. The mid west and East have such awesome finds, so did MT, (Helena), when we lived there. We live in western CO now, few miles west of Grand Junction, hardly any antique stores, no antique shows, no vintage stuff except at overly priced thrift stores. Do they think things are made with gold out here? Bo ho. Ah well, we're kinda stuck here and hubs says we're too old to move again. (maybe he is but not me and I'm older than him.)
    Sorry for rant, just don't like it here compared to MT. Happy week

  15. Wow.......great finds and love that hand!! All kinds of possibilities for it.
    I need to make a trip to NC! (It's on my bucket list)
    Haven't heard much about Scout.........hoping he is doing well.
    Had a little snow melt yesterday but still plenty left on the ready for spring!
    Take care and have fun.

  16. Donna, the hand is just great! Would love it in the garden--made me think of the song, "He's got the whole world in His hands!" Hugs, Cecilia

  17. Now that is one big hand! Love the springs and the display pieces. Great planted like you said! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  18. You said about the hand: "It is right hefty." I think it's more of a hefty lefty! lol You find the coolest stuff!

  19. I love that hand! I would love to have one that I kept in my closet, so that I could ask innocent guests and visitors if they need a hand. Then, I'd go to the closet and take it out. Hilarity.


I enjoy reading all of your comments and will always answer with email. I will try to track you down if you show up as a "no reply" commenter to let you know. Friends are like that!