
Friday, August 29, 2014

Paint-By-Number Thrifting

paint by number art, vintage finds, thrift store
Look what greeted me last weekend when I entered the thrift store!

A box filled with paint-by-numbers.

Mostly clowns.

Rather well-done.

All initialed on the back and dated 1953.

Those of you who know me well are asking themselves why a clownophobic would buy a stack of clown paintings.

I don't have a clue.

I thought they would be great for a Halloween display at the booth.

They were rather appealing in a gruesome way.

NOTE: "Coulrophobic" is the correct term for someone with a fear of clowns.

Who can resist a face like this?

Very close to Emmett Kelly, the fearful clown of my 1950's youth.

I brought home both the small and large ones.

A few in-betweeners too.

A clown dancing with a baby elephant.

A juggling clown with a bear playing an accordion.

Folks this is the stuff of horror movies.

There is some D movie about clowns from outer space - the name escapes me.

Scared me into nightmares for weeks.

Now for the tame stuff.

Purchased solely for the frames.

I have to do a frame project or thirty to use the frames lying around.

Yes, I have said that several times.

Yes, I continue to buy deep frames.

A floral print from the forties.

My favorite Madonna and Child print.

Two small nature prints.

A grab bag of stuff revealed -


I always save Baby Jesus if he is thrown in some box.

They all come out at Christmas.

I never pass up bronze baby shoes.

The others will be put in display boxes.

A wire basket with a metal twig handle.

And just for Cheryl in Wisconsin -

A cheese box.

Look what is stamped on the bottom, Cheryl!

I am hoping you are getting your projects ready for next week's opening of Make It Monday.

Come visit!

On Monday, September 8, I will be co-hosting the new Make It Monday link party with Tamara and Mitzi.

Tamara had this link party for quite awhile and then took a break. Read the Party Announcement at Etcetorize!

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:




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Party Junk #254 at Funky Junk   Dwellings-The Heart of Your HomeWe Call It JunkinKnick of Time


  1. Donna, that clown leading the post is downright scary! Good thing you got the Madonna and child (beautiful!) and the baby Jesus to protect you! All the rest of the clowns seem fairly innocuous, but that first one.....!

  2. I'm with you, Donna, I don't particularly like clowns either, but I can understand why you wouldn't pass up a good collection like this. What was the name of that baby face horror clown that was so popular? Never liked him either. Make It Monday sounds wonderful! That's an awesome picture of you! So pretty! I'll be on a cruise celebrating my 45th year of wedded bliss so I'll catch it the next time.

  3. Okay Donna, that first clown print is SERIOUSLY going to haunt my dreams. I'm not sure why people think clowns are a good decor decision? Since it's for Halloween decor are you going to paint those clown frames black? Maybe with some maroon undertones (which seems to be a prominent color in the above PBNs) and give it the ol' distressed Donna technique?

  4. Awesome! That cheese box has my name all over it (literally!) and it's just beautiful. (The first minute I was thinking that clown prints were the topic of my special post.) Imagine the journey the cheese box has made, ending up at your lovely estate.

  5. Hey Donna ... Never thought of clowns being scary ... thought they were to be funny and make people laugh. We had a clown visit a party of small children and when he walked into the room, the kids started screaming ... fear ... not laughter. Just had to make him leave. You may have a treasure in one of those PBN clowns.

  6. You must collect frames like I do metal trays. I always pick them up on the cheap then stack them in my garage. I really need to do something with them. Maybe this weekend...

    Have an awesome day!


  7. Funny, or should it be scary, post about the clowns. You created an instant collection!

  8. Not a clown fan either and don't think I could have bought these! Love some of your other great finds! Bronze baby shoes are so sweet...I have mine and my brothers!

  9. Wow......what a find of PBN clowns! Nice things in the grab bag, too.
    Waiting to see what you do with the frames......I need some inspiration as I have picked up a few myself! Have a great holiday weekend.

  10. Wow, nice find! Those clown paintings have a lot of kitschy appeal. I love having lots of frames on hand, too. Hope you enjoy the long weekend!

  11. Creepy clowns! I do not care for them either. Looks like you found some nice frames though. I'm off to read about the party. Not sure I'll have time for it any time soon, but we'll see. Have a great, treasure filled Labor Day weekend!

    Blessings, Vicky

  12. Donna, at one time those paint by numbers was a big craze and was a great selling item. Crazy how everything old and new trends.

  13. Not sure I would've bought those clowns...but the frames, definitely, especially since I only have about 2 or 3 hundred lying around right now. Sigh. I have to organize my garage due to some work we need done. It weighs heavily on me. About 100 or more of the frames are in there with hundreds upon hundreds of other beautiful items waiting for something. Not quite sure what. I'm going to start listing some things on Craig's List and see where that leads me--

  14. Clowns rate right up there with frozen charlottes. That first one is just the scariest! You a savior of Saviors...I hope you don't store them with the frozen charlottes!

  15. I do love vintage pbn's (there's just something about the way the colors look), but those clowns are super creepy. Halloween decs for sure! I always have at least one creepy doll in my Halloween display. That Madonna and Child pic made me swoon!

  16. Love the cheese box and that old floral print. I have never liked clowns. They have always freaked me out a little, and these clowns are no exception... especially the first one.

  17. Some of those clowns are really scary! I was skeptical when you said well done paint by numbers but you are right - they are nicely done. If creepy

  18. Some of the clowns are scary!! I probably would have bought them and immediately put them in the booth. I wouldn't have wanted them spending the night at my house! LOL! Nice frames and other finds.

  19. Creepy Creepy Clowns my friend. Clowns were forever ruined for me by Penneywise The Clown.

  20. These are still haunting my dreams. It didn't help that Laurie (Magpie Ethel) had a whole clown post the other day that was super creepy! Thanks (?? haha) for sharing @ TTF!


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