
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ladders To Success

wooden ladder makeover, painted ladders
Have you ever noticed ladders seem to be equated with success?

Well, I have been having success finding ladders of all shapes and sizes.

The two I found recently were such polar opposites - one tall and the other short - I selected a unifying color.

Homemade chalky white.

After realizing I had not taken photos (YIKES), I rushed over to my booth to take some of the ladders inside.

I do love to display my books on them.

I wish now I had stacked all red dictionaries on this little fellow.

I plan to do that when I go back to straighten.

Ten volumes of an encyclo- pedia stack nicely on the eight-footer.

However after the photo shoot, I had to move it from the middle of the booth.

It is left standing in the corner like some poorly-behaved school child of yore.

Yes, this booth is a mess.

As usual.

The ladders to success are available at Riverfront Antique Mall in North Augusta, South Carolina.

See y'all!

Distressed Donna Down Home, Mitzi's Miscellany

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Share your Cup Thursday #116 
Thrifty Life Thursday #33 at Revisionary Life 
Party Junk #254 at Funky Junk 

We Call It JunkinThe DIY DreamerSavvy Southern StyleTreasure Hunt Thursday


  1. Ladders are a fun way to display lots of things. These two look great in chalky white. Do you have much success selling encyclopedias? Seems like I find those a lot but I never buy them. If I had a booth I might though. I do love old dictionaries favorite one has the alphabet embossed in the cover. Have a blessed Sunday.
    Hugs, Vicky

  2. Ladders are very trendy now, taken apart and used in almost every aspect of decorating. They should be flying out the door. Your shop must have lots of visitors. Looks inviting for those who like to snoop into every nook and cranny.

  3. I never find ladders! LOL! Except for the one ladder I found that makes into a stool....needed repair...still needs repair. Yours are beautiful!

  4. I love ladders but I really have no room and the kids would knock them over. I love seeing them decorated on blogs & Pinterest though.

  5. Oh, I love that tall one!! Looks great with the books on it :)

  6. Your booth looks do the ladders!
    Small ladders are kinda hard to find around here.
    I also like them in a flower bed.
    Enjoy your day!

  7. I love the ladders and I am looking forward to the new link party!

  8. I hope I can travel your way some day to check out your booth. If the other booths in the mall have even half the stuff you do I'm sure I could make an entire day of rooting around! Must be such a fun place~

  9. Looks like you have some really neat stuff in your booth ... just perfect for those who love to dig for treasures. Sometime ago, I bought this beautifully painted red ladder with pretty flowers by a rather talented artist ... put it outside and sadly, it did not weather very well and a serviceman stepped on the bottom rung and broke the ladder.
    Looking forward to your Make it Monday party.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  10. I love ladders! They are perfect for display. The kind that are flat (I don't know the technical name for them) are great for displaying quilts if you lean them against a wall.

  11. Your "messy" booth is only about 8,000 times neater than mine! I kid you not!

  12. Great idea to use these ladders as shelves. Wish I could find a good old chippy one around here. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  13. I love all the ladders I seen on blogs, Pinterest, Instagram. I have one little red ladder and a big old ladder in the garden. I would use the big one in the house if I had space.

  14. I have a fetish for ladders Donna. Just bought a chippy white one at a vintage sale a couple of weeks ago. I think yours will go quickly. So much you can do with them! I have a small one out by my deck holding plants. Another one leans against the fence with a climber on it, and a large apple ladder leans on one of my pillars on my front porch. Then I have a middle sized one leaning against a cabinet in the basement. Now and then when I go thrifting hubby will say, "Don't bring home any more windows, doors, or ladders." Like that's going to stop me. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. That reminds me I have a small ladder in my basement. I need to find a place to use it inside no room, so what shall I do? Maybe I will just use it as a kitchen step. I have one in my garden with bird houses on it. I should paint that one before it rots. I would love a big one to offset it. Thanks for the ideas. Enjoyed the post a lot. Janice

  16. Ok, so now I have to hunt down a wood ladders!!! LOVE yours!!!

  17. Me, too. I've seen so many cool ones, I think I need one, too! Thank you for sharing them at Revisionary Life!


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