
Friday, June 20, 2014

The Lazy Girl's Guide To Estate Sales

online estate sales, vintage finds, estate auctions
Attention all hardcore junkaholics:  I have found a new, lazy way to attend estate sales!

Welcome to The Lazy Girl's Guide To Estate Sales.

1.  Stay in your nightgown and pj's.  No need for any clothes at all if that's the way you roll.

2.  Turn on the computer and search for online estate sale auctions within ___ miles of your house.  I selected 125 miles because I don't mind dressing for a road trip.

(Lot of harps and table tops.)

3.  Do not allow good sense to interfere with your bidding choices.  Who knows when you will need vintage German cross-country skis in the middle of South Carolina.

 4.  Allow yourself the chance to revel in the small details like these metal thingies. 

5.  Don't let the smallness of the photos the auction company posts deter you.  You know there is some redemption in finding not one pair, but two pairs of hickory skis.

6.  As you are sitting there in your whatevers, refuse to let something like size get in your way.  

Bid, bid, bid.

7.  Be prepared to buy a lot with some, um, crazy stuff.  (I did like the hats after seeing them in person and maybe the 70's dress, but the suit went straight to trash!)

I bought the crazy to get these gloves!

8.  Be on alert for unexpected treasure.  The tennis ball cans were thrown in with the skis.

Also unexpected - several small packages neatly wrapped who knows when filled with old furniture screws!

9.  While lounging about for fourteen days keeping a close eye on your competitors, examine all photos and descriptions for tell-tale signs of an albatross or two.

You have to take it all with you.  You cannot leave anything on the property.

An old desk in a million pieces.

Yes, I did count.

It did not look this large in the photos - I was after the harps and table tops.

10.  Draw an outline of the dimensions given in the lot description to make sure, double sure, triple sure, each and every piece you win will fit into your truck.

11.  Let women, not men, pack your truck.

12.  As you are truly drooling over the chippy painted cabinet, keep in mind you have to get this thing cleaned before the rain comes.

In typical lazy girl style, I have elected to leave it in the truck and clean it there.

Yes, we have been driving around Beverly Hillbilly style with furniture in the back.

13.  Because every lazy girl knows to end on a lucky number, be quick to tag and bag the items before you decide one more wicker chair is perfect for your yard.

So that ends The Lazy Girl's Guide To Estate Sales.

How would I rate my first-time experience?

It was a solid ten for me.

And Chucks did not grumble one time.  Well, maybe once.

Of course I took over the driving and let him snooze.

A round trip of six hours.

Took three different GPS's to find the barn.

Sorta weird - you are not allowed to do anything but check in and get back in your truck.  They load for you.

Will I do it again?

HA!  I already have three bids going right now.  

In my nightgown!

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Thoughts from Alice


  1. I knew there was online bidding for auctions sometimes, but not estate sales!

  2. Oh my, I haven't tried this! Laughed out loud at #3 and #7 (been there, done that at live auctions). Love #11 especially. Great job, Donna - you go, girl!

  3. Donna, I'm afeared of even looking these up.

  4. Online auctions are the bomb! At least if you know the auction house. Earlier this year we bought a buffet that had surely spent many years in someone's garage or barn. It cleaned up beautifully! My experience is that most things need a good cleaning, but so does my house! Back to work doing that! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  5. Danger, Will Robinson.
    This would be big trouble for me, Donna!
    You got some interesting stuff, though.
    Why did the cool suit have to go into the trash?
    I'd say this was definitely a successful venture!

  6. Sounds like fun! And you sure got some goodies, I love that white cabinet with the metal rack inside the door. I'm off to Google one now... :)
    Dawn @ We Call It Junkin

  7. I like the desk that is in a million pieces. You can do lots of fun projects with that! The chippy cabinet is great too.

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  8. Oh #11 is sooo true! You found some awesome stuff. Especially love the gloves.

  9. Oh I so enjoyed reading this post Donna, sounds like you have a great personality!!! I love me a gotta get dressed auction but you've inspired me to think about the much more comfortable pj auctions. Awesome finds!
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  10. You are one brave lady Donna to do all that bidding, sight unseen, but you did get some good stuff. I am sure you will be able to make something interesting out of those million pieces of the desk. Looks like fun. Glad Chucks went with you and had a good time.
    Audrey Z.

  11. LOL--some great finds there, Donna. Is everything in your world fun?!! Cuz it sure seems like it :)

  12. What a great post.....too funny! Never heard of an online estate auction. You got some neat stuff. You are havin' too much fun!
    Happy creating

  13. Oh gosh you're killing me with all your finds!!! Mr. C. says I'm becoming a hoarder, in fact he calls me this quite often! It's cool! Wow I'd be scared to bid on line sight unseen, but it does sounds like fun! Great finds, love that Hoosier bottom!

  14. Hi Donn, nice so nice to visit your blog. Loving your post, lol. I'm so passing these tips to my sister. Great finds, keep on going.


  15. Reread your post again. Got another good laugh. Still need to look into this shopping for junk in my pajamas. Can't beat that. Thanks for sharing @ TTF!!

  16. your pajamas or not. How did the prices compare? I saw a funny photo years ago of an ebay item - maybe a teapot - with the reflection of a nude man in it...apparently he took photos in the buff. He would like your lazy girl style...:)

  17. You are bidding on lots of items online? I have looked at these. The application looked long long but you are funny funny. It is wise indeed to let women pack.

  18. Yoo Hoo...we've missed you this week! Hope everything is going fine, and you're having too much fun to be tied to a computer or device. :) Audrey & Revi

  19. I don't know how I missed this post! You crack me! I am intirgued with the online bidding, but probably best if I never try it. I don't want to get addicted! Joey just might give me the boot...;) This might be a good way to search for a particular piece though. I love the green two-tiered table. That's on my list to find eventually. Have a happy Friday!

    Blessings, Vicky

  20. I don't know why but #11 is almost always 100% true. Must have something to do with incentive as in "It WILL fit in there."

  21. Oh great, another junkin' resource for me!

    My husband thanks you :-)



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