
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

So Long, Sweet Pea!

Rust-Oleum spray paint, Sweet Pea Pink, baskets, boxes, tool caddies, distressed painting, makeovers
For several years there was only one pink for me - Rust-Oleum Sweet Pea in Satin.

Oh, how I loved her.

A pink with lavender blue undertones.

A pink easily distressed.

Prissy or primitive - Sweet Pea got the job done.

When I discovered to my horror Rust-Oleum was replacing her with Candy Pink, I bought a dozen cans.

I was quite sure they would see the error of their ways and bring back Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea was a gentle lady.

Candy Pink? A brassy chorus girl.

On Saturday I treated myself to a day with the last 2 1/2 cans of Sweet Pea.

I had to make them special.

First up was the wooden case.

Nifty little feet.

Obviously something electrical like a strange medical device went in here.

Perfect for Sweet Pea's primitive side.

Or maybe her prissy side.

At this point I was unsure.

I think it is going to be prissy!

I decided against primitive handles for this piece.

I stamped over the pink with black ink.

(Make sure you use a good quality permanent ink pad over the paint.  Otherwise it will wipe right off!)

The damask pattern was perfection for Sweet Pea.

The square tool caddy was sprayed and then stamped with a script  stamp, a nest, and a dragonfly.

Sweet Pea always did a great job on raw wood - leaving behind a distressed painted surface if I used a light spray.

I went back and sanded the edges of the box.

The projects are now both prissy and primitive.

A handwoven basket with a hand-planed handle was sprayed with two coats and then stamped with the script.

I plan to use it for small linens at the store.

With the last of the cans I finished two more baskets.

Here is their family photo.

So long, Sweet Pea.

You will be missed.

I have a guy in the paint department trying to match you perfectly.

It is that lavender blue undertone which is giving him trouble.

I promise I will not cheat on you with Candy Pink.  She is not a primitive type of girl.

See y'all!


Up for a swap?  This week at Drop It Or Swap It I am offering four tiny old bottles and a small aluminum tea ball. 

Drop It or Swap It

This is a lot of fun folks.  All the guidelines are here!

Last week I swapped my tiny elephants for some rusty keys.

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



Follow Me on Pinterest

DROP IT OR SWAP IT #3 at Tarnished Royalty
Be Inspired #187 at Common Ground 

Share Your Cup Thursday #100 - Make sure to check out Jann's giveaway! 
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
The Cottage Market Presents Junkin Joe Every Friday 
Thrifty Life Thursday #16 at Revisionary Life 
Party Junk #237 at Funky Junk Interiors



Shabbilicious Friday 

We Call It JunkinThe DIY DreamerSavvy Southern Style GREEN wILLOW POND Lavender Garden CottagePhotobucketThoughts from Alice


  1. I so love the colour,I can see why you are sad to lose her. I really like what you have painted with her. I wonder why things get changed instead of adding to a range.?

  2. Oh, I love that script stamp! It's perfect for sweet pea. I've been looking for something like that. I had in mind putting script on an outdoor fabric wrapped rocking chair. Wonder how that would work?

  3. Love how the tool caddy came out

  4. I agree. Candy Pink is no substitute for Sweet Pea! And I do like that stamping effect!

  5. It is sad to see sweet pea go. Such a fabulous pink! I love how you've stamped over everything... especially the script stamp. Where do you buy your stamps?

  6. I love the colour! I hate when something I love is stopped.

  7. Sweet Pea is a lovely color! Too bad they discontinued it. I hate when that happens...:( Maybe your paint guy can get close with a match! Your projects all turned out so pretty. Love the stamping you did on creative! You amaze me...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  8. What a great color - to bad they are taking it off the market. All of your items look great. Sounds like you had a great time painting.

  9. Oh this may be my favorite makeovers you've done yet!
    Just gorgeous Donna - where do you get those inkpads - I need to use them instead of transfers - they're perfect - LOVE !!!

  10. Thanks so much for your visit! Since I have been called Pinky since birth and my Mom always dressed me in pink, I came to hate it!!! But your transformations are beautiful, love the pattern on the stamped box especially.

  11. A Brassy Chorus Girl - Hahahahaa! So funny, but I know what you mean. When you love something, you are true to it. why companies can't figure this out is beyond me. Glad you had some of your favorite stored away. That was clever!

  12. Oh my gosh Donna I so enjoyed reading your post - love your writing style and sense of humour! I'm visiting from the Share Your Cup Thursday party. I love the graphics you put on your pieces - so pretty!
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  13. I really love the color you chose and the script stamping.

  14. Great job on everything Donna ... the stamping really makes them look special. I need to look for that French script stamp. It looks so good on your box tote.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  15. What a gorgeous color! So sad! I have been wanting to get into painting items and never thought of spray paint. It looks fabulous on your items!

  16. Awwww, change is hard sometimes. I have faith that you will find the perfect replacement colour though. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with~

  17. Happy Pink Saturday, Donna. And, goodbye to Sweet Pea. She was a good friend.♥

  18. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Sweet Pea. It's so sad when they discontinue things we love. You made her proud though and I hope you find something complimentary to her soon.

  19. Donna, just the name makes me love this color. Sweet Pea is what I often call my grands. I really feel deprived to never even have got to use it. lol! Sure is pretty and I love the stamps that you used! Thanks for sharing wit SYC. I love your swap. I need to try and put something at the bottom of my post I do in the morning. Have to see if you're interested.

  20. So glad I found a new blog to read, I like the lavender/pink baskets with the script
    The script is what makes them so fun
    I found you on Tarnished Royalty swap

  21. Did you find a taker for your bottles yet? I should dig around to see if I have anything in my hoard you might like...give me some hints. Hey - Try lightening up a magenta paint to get the right shade...hope it works! Your family turned out adorable. Thanks for sharing it at Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday. :)


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