
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Shearing Winter's Fleece

Warm temps and blue skies are here.

That could only mean one thing.

Get ready, ladies, it is time to shear your winter's fleece.

All you have to do is take a good look down.

All the winter's fleece you have been hiding under your winter's fleece has got to come off.

Now I come from a long line of basically hairless people, and the hair we do have is colorless.

But on the day the photo was taken, I felt the breeze flutter through my long leg locks and knew it was shearing time.

Also in line for shearing is Scout who is shaggy beyond shagginess.

Azalee has not a care in the world.

She can sleep knowing her fleece is quite short.

No shearing to do here!

How does a cat curl in a perfect circle?

I do wonder if Annie has a wax for this job.

A nice dark patina.

With a smooth finish.

With a huge grin and a humorous wink, I hope this post has made you smile.

Today is my blog's second birthday.

I decided to celebrate with a little humor.

I love being a citizen of Bloglandia.

Thank you, faithful readers and dear friends!

And, ladies, I was NOT kidding about the shearing of the winter's fleece!

See y'all!

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  1. Happy blogiversary Donna! Post made me smile. But I'm not shearing anything or putting away my polar fleece until sometime in May- if then. Lol

  2. Happy Birthday to Distressed Donna Downhome!!! Congrats on having such a great site and yes, you did and always do make me chuckle!

  3. Congrats on your 2nd Blogversary, Donna! I've so enjoyed reading about your going ons! This is a humorous post but I can't join in. I use to have hairy legs as a teen and young woman. With age the hair has been thinning and disappearing so rapidly that my shearing days have almost been eliminated.

  4. Happy second anniversary! I'm still all bundled up. Wake me up in a couple of weeks.

  5. Happy blog anniversary and many more. I always enjoy your blog.
    I thought you had bought a wooly sheep that needed shearing.
    Happy Spring,
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  6. LOL. Happy anniversary Donna! Sadly, I don't have to worry about any shearing yet. Still too cold to let my legs see the light of day.

  7. Yay for TWO years in this crazy fun place. I shaved and gave myself a pedicure on Tuesday and put on shorts. Love shorts despite the size of my buttocks. It's yellow here but the windows are flung open. Now off to PT-you are unfortunately familiar with that sentence.

  8. Loved it! I so needed that laugh today...:) I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who lets the legs go in the! For as long as I can stand it anyway! Happy two years!

    Blessings, Vicky

  9. LMHO - great post Donna - off to shear my legs now
    ( Soda was finally groomed - she curls up like a cat and has been hiding under a blanket for 2 days now -she's embarrassed LOL )
    Happy weekend

  10. Dear Miss Donna; I am ROF @ You!!!!! You are so very funny.
    Happy Second Blog-Land Anniversary!!!!
    You bring so much Happiness and Joy to so many!!! :-)


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