
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lady In Blue

Tattered tags, Graphic fairy images, Vintage photos, organza roses
Remember the blue tags from  Blue in the Middle?

They started life as simple shipping tags.

Then they got the gloopy paint applied to them.

Finally they became the Lady In Blue tags.

 Now here is the final part of the tutorial.

First a photo review of how they looked in the middle.

Grabbed an image I love from The Graphics Fairy.

I call her Rosa Maria - do not know why, but the name just popped into my head the first time I saw her.

Mod Podged her onto the plain side of the tags.

Two coats over the top after she dried.

Added some glitter glue around the edges for a slight sparkle.

I am a wimp when it comes to real glitter.

I cannot stand that stuff floating around everywhere.

Thus, glitter glue!

Though I do admit German glass glitter would be beautiful.

 My fingerprints in the paint reminded me of roses.

Hobby Lobby has this beautiful organza roses ribbon.

I have been waiting for the right project to be worthy of it.

Rosa Maria was deemed worthy.

Plus the roses match the one on her chapeau.

Before adding the white organza rose ribbon, I coated the backs with satin craft varnish - two coats.

Do not worry about the curls.

The tags flatten when dry.

If not, sandwich them between layers of waxed paper and stick under a stack of books.

Make those book stacks work for you!

 Rosa Maria was given lace ties.

Isn't she lovely?

Rosa Maria's slightly brooding look prompted me to stamp 


A happy ending for the blue in the middle tags -

Rosa Maria -

    Lady In Blue

The tags are available in the Distressed Donna Etsy Shop.

See y'all.

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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  1. Beautiful tags! Linda@Wetcreek and Wetcreek Museum Blogs

  2. Oh, I love the beautiful organza roses you added to the back, Donna. These tags are absolutely gorgeous and will become a best seller!

  3. "Best Tags Award" love them.
    The rose ribbon is just the perfect touch.
    Great job.
    Audrey z. @ Timeless Treasures

  4. These really did turn out Lovely! I've been bitten by the Tag Making bug ever since I took a Workshop recently. Great way to Decorate a Tree, so we made several for our Christmas Tree Ornamentation this year and when we decided to keep the Tree up and decorate it for Valentine's Day... more Tags with a Romantic Flair went on it. These would look Fabulous festooned upon a Vintage Aluminum Tree as a focal point in a Romantic Vignette for Valentine's Day!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  5. Oh my! Those turned out wonderfully! I like that your fingerprints are on them! You make the best tags on the internet lady! I must look into glitterglue!

  6. Your tags are stunning. I wish I had enough money to buy hundreds of them. sadly I do not;(

  7. Donna,
    Your tags in blue have me swooning, dear one!!!
    Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  8. These are so pretty Donna! I love that ribbon you used on them! I'll have to try to get some when I get a chance to go to HL. Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a happy day! ~Deborah

  9. These tags are so lovely Donna! I love the addition of the roses ribbon. Just gorgeous!


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