
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blue In The Middle

blue, patina, chalk paint, gesso, Layed paint.
Usually I start at the beginning, move through the middle, and then show the final results of a project.

Today I am doing something a bit crazy.

I am only showing you the MIDDLE of four projects.

I am blaming it on the cold, rainy, snowy, icy winter we have had.

I am a bit down with extreme cabin fever.

I need to be out in the driveway painting furniture.

BUT no, I am stuck in the house.

What to do, what to do?

Well, move the furniture in the formal living room which is used once a year.

Set up some cardboard boxes with window screens on top.

Line them up in front of the heater returns.

Then channel my inner Rosemary and start playing with the paint techniques I have learned through my Farragoz course.

(Which do not tell my mentor, I have not yet finished!)

First I created the plaques above - with the beautiful blue-green-gray I created with mixture upon mixture of paint.  There were a lot of steps to get to this middle.

Then I had left over paint without a hope of saving the super thick gloopy mix, so I continue to grab and paint.

The three zinc pots were dying for a make-over.

Here is the middle.

Then true inspiration struck.

If you can use this super thick gloopy paint mixture on wood and metal, why not paper?

Well, why not!

Out came the shipping tags. 

  I coated them thickly.

Painted on both sides at one time and placed them on waxed paper and used my fingertips to create polka dots.

They no longer feel like paper.

I am loving the look and the texture of these.

Here is the middle.

I will definitely do this again.

With the small amount left in the cup, I coated this candle sconce.

Yes, it is the middle.

Wait a few days or a week or two, I will show the beginning and the finale of these four projects.

Until then use you imagination.

Go over to see Rosemary at Villabarnes.

She is the Princess of Patina, you know.

See y'all!

Use this discount code to receive 10% off your purchase at the Distressed Donna Etsy store:



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Be Inspired #175 at Common Ground
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage  
The Cottage Market Presents Junkin Joe Every Friday 

Shabbilicious Friday
I would love to have you join me for my link party, Share Your Cup!

The DIY Dreamer GREEN wILLOW POND Savvy Southern StyleLavender Garden Cottage


  1. This is very interesting and I hope you are going to share more of this technique. You know I love it when you make tags! Now I want to see the end of these projects that you have shared the middle with.

  2. Looks like you have a lot going on here, Donna! My curiosity is peaking. I love reading Rosemary's blog . . so many interesting techniques! Some day . . .

  3. Everything is looking good…can't wait to see what you are going to do next….

  4. I've been thinking of taking that course. Have you enjoyed it? Is it worth the money? Tell me all about it...

  5. I LOVE the color choices! Can't wait to see what it is.

  6. The sconce is great!!! Love the color. Love the patina. I would definitely keep this for myself.

  7. Love your new header. You've been having fun!

  8. I love Rosemary's techniques too! You paint like I do, just throw in a little of this and that until you get the shade you want. I love the tags with the polka dots especially! Thank you for sharing these and your lovely trip and great treasures you found at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely week! ~Deborah

  9. Never heard of that course, but sounds fun! Love the layering technique. Yup, I'd say Rosemary is the Queen! You are now the Princess. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. Well I kinda like you "middles"! I see you have a new header and I like it too! What an interesting technique, and it looks so cool on the tags and candelbra! What a creative girl you are, would you send a little my way? Go ahead and be a good blogging friend. It's been snowing, snowing, snowing here in IL, we have almost 60" and counting, but I'm lucky cause I love it. But I do think I'm ready for spring!


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