
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year - New Word: JOY!

New Year's resolution, joy
As I hustled and bustled through the holidays, I noticed a certain word kept popping up.


There it was on one of my bottle brush tree projects.

I found it on the gift bags I used for Christmas presents.

Multiple JOY's were stamped on my Christmas cards.

I started my art journal for 2014 with a dictionary page collage featuring JOY.

Joy was defined as happiness, delight.  Along with "joy" on this particular page were the words "jovial", "jubilee", and "jubilant".

All words of good spirits.

So for 2014, I choose the word JOY.

Such a simple three-letter word, but so hard to achieve.

I promise to share my progress as the year unrolls before us.

Last year my word was LESS.

How did I do?

Well, there is a lot less clutter in my house.

There is less of me - I lost weight.

I finally grew enough hair to donate to Locks of Love so I now have less hair.

I made a conscious effort for less discord in the house.

So I give myself an A- as a grade. 
 Not perfect, but close.

Now for JOY.  Chucks says he will be keeping a close eye on how I can achieve this.

I told him the first thing that would make me joyful was for him to go to the gym with me.

I even joyfully took him shoe shopping Monday for walking shoes.  
I did not get provoked when it took an hour for him to choose two pairs of shoes.

Note to self:  JOY,  JOY,  JOY!!!

It's getting clearer!

See y'all!

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  1. I love this and the way you wrote it Donna! Congrats on the successes of last year, cheers to those of this year!
    (Hopefully my no reply issue is fixed now. What hoops I had to jump

  2. What a perfect word to keep in mind every day of the year! It was a word that was on each of my presents this year thanks to your wonderful tags. My cousins thought they were so beautiful, they used the ones on their presents as ornaments for their Christmas tree!

  3. Joy is one of my favourite words so I love that you chose it. Happy New Year Donna. All the best!!!

  4. You picked a good word Donna. I hope your days are filled with lots of JOY. I can't seem to settle on one word. I guess I never have. I have made resolutions that I could not or did not keep, but maybe a word might make a difference. I guess I need to BELIEVE or TRUST ... in myself ... my family ... and my God.
    Hugs and happy new year.
    Audrey Z @ Timeless Treasures

  5. I hope your year is filled with a lot of JOY! I haven't decided on mine yet?

  6. I love this too! I was happy to see the word on one of my special Christmas cards!

  7. I find this a great word for you FIG and because I know you personally I think you are pretty much full of said JOY.

  8. Dearest Miss Donna;
    You are the JOY which makes your Blog the BEST!!!!!
    JOY should be your Middle Name!!!!!
    Seeing as you bring so much of it to so many people Daily!!!! :-)

  9. I like the word "joy." It is important to remember to be joyful about our days isn't it! Congratulations on your success in the past year. I choose "bloom" for my word this year and I hope to continuously bloom throughout the year. Happy New Year!
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  10. Joy is a great word, and joy is in the moment. I still haven't come up with mine, but for some reason I am leaning to "imperfect". I just hate all the pressure about being perfect! Maybe I'm weird, I've never strived for perfect, just doing my best. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with us last week at Sunday's Best!


I enjoy reading all of your comments and will always answer with email. I will try to track you down if you show up as a "no reply" commenter to let you know. Friends are like that!