
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Book Love

vintage book sets

I love books.

Fresh new books with spines that crackle when opened.

Being the first person to flip the pages.

Used books with stained covers and dog-eared pages.

Wondering how many people enjoyed reading it late into the night.

Old books with that musty. comforting smell.

Tattered covers and brittle pages.

 Revealing what was once most important.


Passed from person to person.

In the form of real books.

Saved on shelves.

Recording centuries of thoughts on miles of pages.

 Some gathered together in boxed sets.

Showing their age.

Some now forgotten in this age of electronic devices.

I love books.

Stacks of them.

In every room.

In every genre.


Not just decorating tools, but tools to help on a sleepless, restless night.

Tools to feed the mind.

Tools to refresh a life.

Tools to amuse and entertain.

Books - I'll take mine in paper, please.

I love books.

See y'all!

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  1. I LOVE books too Donna - they're everywhere here - the written word fills my soul on a daily basis - couldn't live without them!
    Paper? Yes please...........

  2. I agree. Never used an E-Reader. Don't really plan on it.

  3. Dearest Miss Donna; Thank-You so much for this Post.
    This is exactly how I feel. I have books Everywhere.....I have two huge bookcases still at my Parents home, and I would not get rid of those books for the world!!!!! This home is full of books, in all of the rooms from Cook Books, to any type.....How I LOVE to read.
    I will be in touch with you soon. Thank-You for so much JOY. XOXO

  4. Great pics Donna...I know what you mean, I'm drowning in books at my place xxx

  5. This is such a beautifully written post Donna! I love books too...even the e-kind. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm a spine-breaker, dog-earrer, and cover-stainer...I hope someone likes my books as much as you do some day!

  6. Kindred spirits are we...:) I love books....the smell, the look, the sound, the feel! I have books all over my house and am constantly adding more! My daughter shares my book love as well. I remember when she was in elementary school, they had an assignment to count their boks at home and she had several hundred of her own...LOL! I started buying books for her before she was ever born...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  7. I love the look of old books...beautiful graphics and the effects of time...

  8. I love reading books, too, Donna and was able to catch up with some of my favorite authors while away. This love has passed onto my son who has become a hoarder of books and has them everywhere where space would allow. Containers and boxes of his books fill our crawl space (we should have gotten a basement but we called ourselves downsizing) and now they've taken over the space for my husbands' car in our garage. I have a kindle and he has a kindle but we continue to accumulate the paper kind. What's a book reader and lover suppose to do?

  9. If I am not tripping over them something is fearfully wrong.

  10. Beautifully written! I've fallen guilty to all the tech and haven't been reading as much sorry to say...

  11. Love this post it really is nice and made me realise I think the same-love dee x

  12. Well written post and I can feel your love for books. I want the "paper" books too but never have read the e-kind.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  13. I am a book lover through and through, and there's nothing like holding a real book in your hands when reading. Our house is full of them, all over, in every room, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Great post!

  14. Donna, my hubby gave me a kindle last year for Christmas. I enjoy it, but there's just something about holding that book in your hands. I especially love old books. Been trying to collect vintage garden themed books. Not having a lot of luck finding ones with great graphics on the cover. I saw a collection in Country Living a year or so ago and It had me swooning! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Ah yes, books, we love them so! I can't bear to part with them and I've got so many. I recently started redoing the covers so they look like antique collector's editions and now my bookcases are looking prettier. I recently posted two tutorials on my blog. Not only do they look beautiful, they are still readable!


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