
Monday, December 30, 2013

Buckets and Boot Stretchers

Metal buckets, stretchers, arrangements, vintage finds
 Back in November before the Christmas decorations went up, I had an arrangement I especially liked.

I had found a pair of boot stretchers at the antique mall for a decent price.

I did not know they existed, but had to have them when I saw them.  

I left another pair there.  

Should have bought them, too.

Found out they are quite expensive - a lot more than what I paid.

Of course they were gone when I went back the next day.

As you can see, these are not a matching pair.  They are in several adjustable parts.  You can see the stretchers laying on the table.

The green buckets were from Tuesday Morning.

So along came Christmas and the buckets and boot stretchers were stored away.

I finished today putting away all of the Christmas.

Time to rearrange and decorate for the dreaded months of January and February.

I am not a cold and dark kind of girl.

I freed the buckets from the attic along with some burlap bags, some curly dead stuff, the boot stretchers, some shoe stretchers, and some blue plaid material.

I was sure there was an arrangement in this pile somewhere.

The two buckets turned out better than expected.  Now I had two arrangements about three feet high.

So where to put them?

They needed to be together.

Here inside the front door.

With the second arrangement on the hall tree.

No way - they were too overwhelming for the small entry.

Plus Chucks kept running into them .

Plus the boot part of the stretchers would not fit in either place.

What to do?

What to do?

Well, you will just have to come back next time to see where they ended up.

PS  If you see boot stretchers for $20 a pair, snatch them up.

Even if they are not a matched pair!

See y'all!

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Knick Of Time Tuesday #118 Vintage Inspiration Party
Common Ground: Be Inspired #171 

Dwellings-The Heart of Your HomeA Stroll Thru LifeWe Call It Junkin


  1. Donna you amaze me you can turn anything in something-have a great ne year-love dee x

  2. Love how the buckets bed have such a creative eye. I didn't know about boot stretchers either but I will keep an eye out for some if they are valuable. Can't wait to see where they ended up! :) Have an awesome Monday....I'm so happy I still have a week off!!!
    Blessings, Vicky

  3. You find the best stuff! Hope your New Years is lovely girl!

  4. That looks great. I have a similar sap bucket but mine doesn't have that great patina.

  5. Donna ... just love your arrangements ... anxious to see where you put them. I have never seen boot stretchers before but will be on the look-out for some. Have a wonderful new year.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  6. Love the boot stretchers! You did a great job on the arrangements. I can't believe you have all of your Christmas stuff put away! We are just now getting ready to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family on Wednesday :) We were in NC with hubby's family over Christmas.

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I have seen boot stretchers in some Westin stores in West Texas a long time ago. You did a beautiful job with your arrangement also. I will keep my eye open for them, and if I do come across some I will let you know. I m your newest follower on both of your followers now. I hope you will come follow me as well. Happy New Year's and God Bless your family.

  8. Who knew boot stretchers could look so good! Great Style!

  9. Donna,
    Boot stretchers? New to me too! Thanks so much for sharing at my party and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


  10. Aww love this, I have some boot stretchers my mum gave me, now I know what to do with them :)


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