
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Bit of Buying

 I am trying very hard at not filling up the empty spaces with new old treasures.  I only did a bit of shopping, and I have excuses for all.

I promise!

First I was at Tractor Supply buying dog food and there was a long line.  You know they have those terribly inviting bins of stuff to buy along the checkout lines.  

There was a box of new but oh, so blue Mason jars.

I had to have them.

So I bought them.

And you see I am already using them to store my Scrabble letters and dice.

The blue Mason jars were oh, so necessary.

 Except for the third olive bucket, I have been determinedly deleting the Decor Steals daily alerts and flash deals.

Until the Chinese wooden caddy came into view one morning.

Yes, I clicked.  I bought. I love it.

I will be using it for Christmas stuff.

After the holidays I will turn it on its side, stick a dowel through the holes and use it to store all the spools of seam binding I have.

The wooden caddy was oh, so necessary.

While returning from an errand, I passed by Habitat Restore and saw the huge 50% OFF banner calling my name.

I stopped.

I shopped.

A quick look in the car.  It is all still there so technically it did not come into the house.

I needed some new pieces for the booth.

This bunch was oh, so necessary.

 I filled Chuck's truck with things for the thrift shop and away I went with no intentions of buying one little thing.

After unloading, I had to walk around and look, didn't I?

It wouldn't be polite to just dump stuff without maybe, just maybe, buying some small bauble or two.

This sprinkler caught my eye.

I loved its shape and style and patina.

It would look great hanging in the new craft room.

The sprinkler was oh, so necessary.

As I was purchasing the sprinkler, Jeff (you know you are in trouble when the manager of the thrift shop and you are on first name basis!). said he had something under the counter he had been saving for me.

Jeff said I needed to buy them.

Over a hundred of keys from an old apartment complex.


I loved.

I bought.

The keys were oh, so necessary.

Okay, so I slipped just a bit.  To my defense I have had a hard week which is why I have been absent.  My cardiologist put me on a high protein diet with no grains or fruit.  I am not much of a meat eater so it made me terribly ill over the weekend, but I have switched to eggs and fish.  Because I had eaten more meat in three days than I had in a month, I had to floss more.  I popped a crown off late Saturday night.  I glued it back on until I could see the dentist on Monday.  Unfortunately I glued it backwards (the very last molar on the top left) and could not bite down.  I had that reset on Monday.  Tuesday started a whole mouth makeover with two crowns removed, the teeth bonded and temporary crowns put back on.

All this to say, I did not get my craft/computer/guest room finished by October 31 for the second year in a row.

But I am working on it.

(Don't you dare go back to see how many posts I have said that very thing.  I did - it was appallingly embarrassing!)

So just a bit of buying.

The items were oh, so necessary.

See y'all!

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Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage 

The Cottage Market Presents Junkin Joe Every Friday 

Party Junk #211 at Funky Junk Interiors Every Friday 



  1. The keys are cool. You must text me when Habitat is half off. You must come see Joe's weathervane-likely one of our best finds ever. I would be vexed over that diet as well. I hope you are adjusting. xo, olive

  2. Lovin' all the finds! Those keys are too cool and that sprinkler will look awesome on your craft room wall. I think we must be kindred spirits because this morning when I was walking to my building at school, I passed the chain link fence surrounding the ac units like I do every morning and I noticed the aluminum water hose holder hanging from the fence and thought.....that would be really cool inside holding a quilt or numerous items in the craft room...LOL! I wonder about myself sometimes! I am so happy you are feeling well enough to post and I won't go back and look at how many times you have said you would finish the room by have a few pretty good reasons! :)

    Blessings, Vicky

  3. How awesome are those keys! I would have snapped those up too. And love those blue mason jars. Soooo pretty! Oh your craft room can wait. You've had too much other stuff going on. I keep getting almost organized, and then I find more stuff to bring home for more projects. It's a never ending circle.

  4. This was a fun read :). My version of "oh, so necessary" is "I HAVE to HAVE it." It's what I say if anyone tries to talk me out of a purchase.

  5. Great finds!! I hopped over when I saw your cool sprinkler on FJI...and now I am drooling over those keys!! Jealous :)

  6. Oh so necessary! You crack me up! You said nothing of that fabulous doll house in the first picture! I love it! What are you going to do with it?


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