
Monday, June 24, 2013

Fleaing Springfield

 Chucks knew something "flea-y" was up when I planned my route to my cousin's house by the backroads.  I was supposed to be there by eleven to celebrate her granddaughter's five-year anniversary of being in remission.

It is about fifty miles.

I left at seven!

Is it my fault that there is a flea market in the small town of Springfield, South Carolina, halfway there?

I have not visited this market in years.  It is one of those which begins at five on Saturday morning and people start packing up by eight.

Not only did I squeeze in the flea market, but also an estate sale!

Did I fill my truck?  Sort of, but there was space left. 

Do I have a whole stack of cleaning and painting to do?  Sort of, but I may get out of some of the painting part.

At the estate sale, I bought a whole tub of cardboard spools of thread, and a vintage Duke's mayonnaise jar filled with vintage buttons, a Christmas tin, and an old yardstick (for use only in NYC and Penna. - why?).

I love the look of these spools.  I will show how I use them in another post.

The small cabinet is actually one side of a vintage vanity.

The cabinet has more than paid for itself by being a photo prop for this post!

Here it is with another flea find which may have real fleas inside.

A vintage pet carrier - the flap on the side rolls up to reveal a screen for air.

It appears the last residents were of the fowl variety because of the foul condition on the interior.

It will clean.

I am beginning to like the cabinet in its distressed black form.

Maybe it will just get cleaned.

 I found these two spiky things - I didn't know what they were until the vendor told me.

They were used as drying racks in a tobacco barn.  They have a red patina to them and I think they will wax up nicely.  The spikes are rusty.  

OOOH, rust!

A basket of old patterns for children's clothing.

A Thermos.

A kettle missing its top - looks like a planter to me!

I had to drive around the market to pick up the black cabinet.  It was too far to drag it.

Out of the corner of my eye as I turned the corner, I saw this.

This piece had my number at 3-2-1!

Here is the front of the creamy, dreamy dresser.  Solid oak - original everything - no wobbles or loose pieces - drawers work just fine.

I did not get to remove it from the truck.  It needs extensive cleaning and de-funkifying.

I think there is a wonderful white under all that dirt.

It may not need painting!

I finally found a basket I liked.  I really do not understand the lack of baskets at yard sales and flea markets the last few months.

Is one of you hogging all of them?

This basket is a big half-round one with a handle.

Now I have forgotten why I wanted a basket with these attributes.

A small collection of bottles.  None of them especially collectible, but perfect for what I want them for.  

Their makeover will be a future project.

Wait and see.

Fleaing Springfield was a delightful time. I plan to return in a few weeks to see if there are more treasures to be found.

Did I make it to my cousin's Alex's Lemonade Stand event?  Yes, I was even early! Read and meet Katelyn, a survivor of childhood cancer. We are so proud of her!

I must run - really, R-U-N!  Once again it is raining here.  Will it never end?  I have tags and painted things outside drying.

NOTE:  As I was proofing this post, Chucks came through the room and said, "At least you didn't drag all that stuff home!"  What he doesn't know will not hurt him.  I just have to make sure he does not look in the truck.

See y'all!

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  1. Wow scored again! I love that white basket! Can't wait to see what you do with the bottles....I have several that I need to sdo something with myself. Hope your tags didn;t get soaked!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  2. I just love reading your posts! You can find some really great pieces. I think half baskets must be the rage for doors these days. They really costs an arm and a leg in regular stores so finding them at flea markets is a real steal!!! Now about the word de-funkifying - oh, I like that!!!!

  3. Oooh Jackpot! Vintage patterns. I'm super jealous. I finally figured out how to use feedly so I can't wait to follow your adventures again~

  4. Wow! I want to go fleaing with you :) So wonderful about Katelyn....

  5. OK....trying it again! Maybe I got it fixed...:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  6. I love those bottles, and can't wait to see how that dirty white dresser turns out. Those drying racks are scary!

  7. Great finds! I especially like all those wonderful spools!

  8. By now Chucks knows that he doesn't want to look in that truck! I think you could use your basket for a hanging planter on your front door! I'm so thrilled with your purchases and your travel route that took you to all those great places. The little tea pot has the sweetest shape with that cool handle, and I hope you can clean the new dresser up and escape without painting it. You done good!

  9. Too much fun! I love that white dresser, that was a super good find!

  10. Wow great finds! Love the white dresser!

  11. Hey Donna; Lady you find the neatest things out there!!!
    I am so glad to hear that Katelyn is doing so well. She is a very Beautiful child.
    I personally can not wait to see what you do with those spools of thread, as they look so nice.
    BTW, Donna I bet you $5.00 that your solid oak dresser is Tiger Oak!!!! (I am basing my thoughts due to the shape of it) If so, it will be well worth stripping, as you can make more $$$$ from the sale of it. You might want to enlist Chucks and promise to make him a roast or something!!! LOL!!! Say Sunny made you do it!!!!

  12. I am so envious of ALL your fabulous finds. So happy also for the cancer survivor. Our grandson survived testicular cancer, cancerous tumors in abdominal cavity and tumors in his neck. When they found his cancer he had stage 4 all thru him. He's almost 20 now, has been free of cancer since he was 18, got it at almost 14.He is such a delightful human being.
    Anyway, you sure hit the jackpot. It's hard to find any good stuff here, no flea mkts. like you have, no antique shows, drives me crazy. Glad you made it on time. (here is western CO, we live west of Grand Junction).

  13. You are so awesome! I needed a laugh this morning and this post gave me several! Also gave me a bad case of jealousy!! I love that little cabinet..and the dresser...and the tobacco thingys...and the basket!! What fun finds. Backroads are the best!

  14. What great finds you got!! Thanks for sharing at Knick of Time Tuesday. Love that dresser!

  15. I love your finds! Those spools are especially sweet and I can't wait to see what you do with them :)

  16. Oh I DO hope that half a vanity NEEDS something--I have a similar one that is living in my grand daughters room and need inspiration!

    USed to have the bed that went with it too----ours was called the "Waterfall style"---!

  17. Great Summer finds! Stop by

  18. that is hilarious that he doesn't know those are in the truck! what great finds. we're going on vacation and i'm wondering if there are any flea markets in the area...but then it's a matter of getting something

  19. Poor hubby, doesn't he know by now that smart woman don't buy retail? LOL

    You found some amazing treasures...Love that rusty tobacco drying rack.


  20. What fun finds! I'm curious how you will use the pet carrier. I love the little black cabinet.

  21. Great finds! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!


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