
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's My Blog's B-Day! A Thank You

The True Distressed Donna

On April 3, 2012, I started my blog with small dreams and even smaller hopes of anyone but family and friends reading it.
Read first blog here.

Through the year spent in Blogland, I have learned several valuable lessons:

!. People are genuinely nice.  There is always someone out there to help you if you have a problem - blog, paint, life, furniture, craft supply overload, anything! 

2.  People are hilariously funny.  There is always someone out there to laugh at your weak jokes and puns and provide you with chances to laugh with them.

3.  People are  tremendously faithful.  There is always someone out there to share their family, their beliefs, and their junk with you. And they come back every week.  Without being asked.

4.  People are surprisingly creative.  There is always someone out there to show you how to make something from absolutely nothing.  Then turn around and make something else from it.
Frozen Charlottes - A Passion

5.  People are authentically good writers.  There is always someone out there with things to say, and they do it with style and verve. They never take words for granted.  Words are gifts.

 6.  People are readily willing to share their opinions.  There is always someone out there with strong feelings be it something of international concern or whether to use homemade or store-bought chalk paint. 

A true Rust Goddess must have daily doses of RUST!

7.  People are really diverse.  There is always someone out there with a background so different from yours, it is amazing what you have in common.  Usually painted furniture or rust or craft supplies.

8.  People are totally committed in keeping this a community.  There is always someone out there who makes sure everyone who wishes, can and will be included.  Even someone who might need to be committed.

Turquoise - my favorite color

I have so enjoyed my year of living in Blogland.  At first I had decided to live here for one year and then leave.  I now find it is impossible to leave this community. 

 It has become a haven.

I love to read vintage  postcards

Chucks catches me talking about women I admire or a new family pet or a death or a wonderful new way to corral craft supplies, and he asked, "Are these people real or on the computer?"

Oh, yes, they are real. 

 Unless you are a blogger, you would not understand.  

We are sisters, mothers, daughters to each other.

For my blog b-day I decided to give myself a new header - you know, like those big girls have.  I guess I am committed to this blogging thing.

 I chose five photos that represent me.  Took the trip to Pic Monkey and created a collage.  Then softened it so readers could see my title and description.  I am still playing with it so don't be surprised to see something different.

There are too many people to thank for helping me and for supporting me.  I would be afraid of leaving someone important out.

If you go back to my first few blogs, you will not see any comments because I mistakenly thought I should erase the comments to make the blog load faster.  BUT I have to mention Nancy - otherwise known as The Headmistress.  She was my very first reader and commenter.  Nancy has been with me the whole journey.  See her blog.

Okay, to sum up.  You will not be getting rid of me.  I will still take awful photographs to share with you.  I will still battle Horror Monster, my craft stash.  I will still thrift- and junk-shop 'til I drop.  I will still paint and distress furniture and anything else that gets in the way.  I will still collect anything and everything that is rusty and crusty with age.  Because that is who I am.  And you, my friends, accepted me.

Thank you.

See y'all!

Follow Me on Pinterest  . Vintage On A DimeGreen Willow PondAdorned From AbovePhotobucketPhotobucketbuttonvif187PhotobucketcraftionaryHomespun Happenings


  1. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! How sweet to mention me. I'll always be proud that I was your first follower!

  2. A Very Happy blog birthday Donna! I'm so glad you're not going anywhere. I really enjoy reading about all your thrifting, crafting, and painting adventures, and your ongoing battle with Horror Monster of course. I love how you faded your new header... it's very pretty!

  3. Donna, that was the nicest first anniversary post I have ever read! You are absolutely right about each each blogging discovery. I too talk about the goings on in my blogging friends lives. Why wouldn't I? I'm in their kitchens and bedrooms, see first pics of their new babies and share their tears when their dog dies. They tell me about their past, their present projects and their future goals. If that isn't real friendship, I don't know what is. Happy anniversary!

  4. Happy Blog Birthday! I love this post Donna. It is so true. Your new header is very pretty. I wish you many years of blogging fun :)


  5. Happy Anniversary Donna!! Yay for you and the blogging community! What a bright spot you are in the bloggy world. Congratulations and best wishes for many many more successful years of blogging!

    P.S. My anniversary comes at the end of the month...I guess that makes me your 'little' sister. :)

  6. Yayness on your first year Miss Rust Godess. I love the header not faded. The turquoise toolbox is the bomb diggity. Your points are spot on. xo, olive

  7. I could not have said anything better about this post than Maureen did! All I know is I've enjoyed being along for the ride with you and glad you're going to keep it going! Love your new header and laughed about "even if they need to be committed"!! Thanks for posting the pic of the creepy frozen Charlottes!! Happy Anniversary!

  8. And I'm right in there like flynn with Maureen and Danni - real friendships are formed - and it's not only men that don't get it - women that don't blog have a hard time understanding it too!
    Happy Blog Birthday to you!
    your friend,

  9. Congratulations! The blogging world is a better place because of sweet women like you. Keep up the good work!

  10. Happy first birthday to your fab blog!!! My blog just marked one year last month at this time. It's exciting, isn't it? :)

  11. Happy Anniversary, Donna! Everything you said is so true. And you put it so eloquently! It seems like I have forsaken my life friends for my blogging friends. They sometimes don't understand what I'm into. I so enjoy doing this.

  12. I am your newest follower. Thanks!

    Amy from

  13. Happy day, after day, after day.... :)

  14. Happy Blog Bday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday! My blog turned one in January and I'm still amazed at how many new friends I've met thru the blog world. All of you are so special to me. Always ready to read a fun interesting post or a serious one about one of my problems. Love to you from Marsha @ Every Little Birdie.

  16. Hey Donna; Happy Blog Birthday!!! Your Blog makes me so Happy, and makes my Heart Sing!!!
    I Love reading about your latest Antique adventure, as well as all of your Crafting tips. You now have me on the lookout for a frozen, seriously!!! I want one, to go with my other Dolls!!!!
    Thank-You so much for all that you share and do.

  17. Well - congratulations and happy blogiversary! it's a wonderful place and more importantly, my husbands says the same thing! He never understood until I talked and talked about a woman and then we met with him in tow. That made all the difference. Enjoy your next year!

  18. Congrats! Wonderful post.
    I'm visiting you today from I Gotta Create. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Medicine Cabinet Makeover

  19. Happy, happy Blogday, Donna! I'm so sorry I wasn't here on THE day but we are having internet trouble due to three of us in the house and me being too cheap to pay more for faster service. So I have not been able to visit blogs as often. What a wonderful tribute to your first year. You have been a wonderful friend since I first ran across you and your blog in those early days. I also started really blogging for more than just my family last April too, I think. Ugh, oh. I may have missed my own blog anniversary. I'm so glad you are staying! Here's to another year of words and pictures and wonderful people like you!

  20. Hooray! Happy Blog Birthday to You!!! I hope to be back soon with my all my blog reading. I've only had a little time to sift through my favs and I couldn't miss saying CONGRATULATIONS!

  21. Happy Blog Birthday, Donna! Your beautiful first birthday post brought a tear to my eye. It's a privilege to follow your blog, and I'm so glad you're here to stay!

  22. Happy Blog Birthday to you!
    I agree, blog land is a wonderful place and I don't have to get dressed if I don't want to, to visit all of my friends.

  23. Happy Blog Birthday. I am also new to blogging. I hope I can stay faithful for a year as well. I am just starting to figure it all out, ans am sure I have a long way to go. You make new friends where the world is brought to your doorstep.
    Reuzeit Emporium Blog
    Reuzeit Emporium

  24. Happy Birthday to your blog. My blog turned 1 in January.

    My husband teases me about my blog, but it has been so much fun getting to know others and to get ideas. And, to get affirmation that I made the right color or fabric choice.

    Have a great second year.

  25. Happy Blogaversary to you!
    I also have become addicted if
    that is the correct word but I so
    enjoy my blog and the many friends
    I have made in the past 4 years
    doing this.
    So glad you decided to stay!
    Happy Spring

  26. Happy Blog birthday! I am so glad we met. Tell Chucks I am real...just as real as he is! I like the collage! I feel bad that i actually missed visiting everyone last week at party :( Life is a little crazy right now. I hope to be able to go back and visit them soon!

  27. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY!!!! so sorry I was late to the party but we are wishing you many many more!!!! HUGS!!!!


I enjoy reading all of your comments and will always answer with email. I will try to track you down if you show up as a "no reply" commenter to let you know. Friends are like that!