
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hare Raisin' And Ribbon Rousin'

 It's a Friday night and I am hare raisin' and ribbon rousin'.  Yes, I am just now posting it.  I am quick to start a project and slow to finish.  In other words I am both the tortoise and the hare!

The Frozen Charlottes look over the torn cotton ribbons and approve of what they see.

I love this image of a girl dressed in her Easter finery with this giant Easter egg.  It is every child's dream - a giant egg filled with surprises.   The image is from The Graphic Fairy along with the hare silhouette used below.  Thank you, Karen!  

I printed the image in REVERSE onto transfer paper.  You will notice I carefully cut out each image with a pair of scissors with an old photo edge.

It didn't matter because I forgot to add a background color before I printed the images.  Silly, silly hare!

 I used a torn calico ribbon with a  sepia-toned floral print.

Ironed on the transfer.  You need a hard surface for this.

Some were printed with the girl,  some with the girl and the hare silhouettes, and some with only the hares.

To use most of the transfer paper, I first printed out all the images for this project and my hare towels.    See the towels here!

I cut the images and taped them on a piece of paper trying to use most of the surface.

Of course, that meant cutting out over a hundred little hares, big frames, small frames, and last, but not least, little Easter girls.

I do have more leftovers to use.

I like that the background of the fabric is seen through the image of Easter girl.

Finished at last with this group.  And it is only 1:30 AM !  I'll finish  the rest tomorrow.  This tortoise needs some sleep.

Mr. Chick surveys the pink and turquoise calico ribbons with hopping hares.

Each ribbon is two yards long and about two inches wide.

The Frozen Charlottes are all agog with excitement as the final product is revealed.

Each ribbon was wrapped around a vintage Easter postcard and secured with a corsage pin.

So what would someone do with this ribbon?

Well, the obvious is wrap a gift.

You could tie it on your Easter bonnet.

It is pretty just sitting around as basket filler.

As you can see eleven out of eleven Frozen Charlottes agree!

See y'all!

Sharing this post with the Six Days of Spring Link Party at Shabby Creek Cottage!
twelveOeight Pretty Things - link up here!

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  1. You could even use it to wrap around some frozen Charlottes and thaw them out. They are naked you know.

    Cute, cute, especially wrapped around the postcards. I love the touch of the corsage pin!

  2. I've got to make some of those ribbons. They are so great, love the image shown on the ribbon and the pattern of fabric showing. Love it all, really enjoy your blog and you inspire me. I'll be making Easter projects til the cows come home. Guess I'll have to give some of them away, no more young kids for grand kids anymore, they've all grown up. Youngest will be 13 next month, oldest is 23. The oldest 2 grand kids and youngest 2 live in Grand Junction, 2 in middle live in KY. Maybe 2 younger ones would like something for Easter. Happy Days.

  3. Hey Donna; I absolutely Love what you have done with the ribbons!!! How Beautiful. You make the smallest detail look so Stunning. Thank-You so much for sharing!!

  4. Stop it with the creepy frozen charlottes!

  5. hi Donna ... was wondering what you were going to do with all the torn ribbon. Now I know, and I can think of a lot of ways to use them. Cute ideas. Thanks for sharing.
    Audrey Z @ Timeless Treasures

  6. Lovelt, running rabbit ribbon. You're right, there's all kids of uses. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Dear Donna, I think you are doing great. I cannot manage a single craft hardly ever. That is a sweet image. I do love Easter. xo, olive

  8. So glad I'm not the only one that get's caught out by time running away with them! Loved the ribbons and the tutorial - found by being a fellow guest on today's Fluster Buster Muster. Have followed you, where suggested, and look forward to maybe seeing you at my place sometime?


  9. Love the ribbons and your towels Donna! Thank you for sharing them at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great weekend!



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