
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be My Vintage Valentine

 Sending out a call to all my blogger buddies - Be My Vintage Valentine!

Regular readers know I have a love connection with my vintage postcards.  At any one time I probably have a few hundred on hand.

Valentine postcards are not as abundant as Christmas or Easter ones, but you can certainly still find them.

They are little pieces of history from the early 1900's.


I promise not to talk too much.  Just sit back and enjoy the simplicity of another age.

 I love to read the messages on the back.  Some are short sentiments and others are longer messages.

Look at the address - just the street name.

Tuck's are the prizes of the postcard world.

 Slightly risque' - I have seen some French ones that are quite shocking.

 Danni Baird has been after me to do a St. Pat's post project.  There are four-leaf clovers on this postcard.  Does that count?

Read Danni's latest post here! 

 This is the back of the one above.  She wrote a long condolence about recent misfortunes that continued to the front of the card.  She never says what the misfortune was, but to send a Valentine's card?

This little guy speaks in a Dutch accent.

One of my favorites - how does he know his folks will love her?  

 I read through the collection and chose several to send out and some to sell.  I can purge some times.

I love the backs as much as the fronts.  Almost all of these had been used so there are stamps and postmarks on them.

There - a whole post and I mostly kept my mouth shut.  I bet you did not think I could do it after reading the last two posts which were actually short novellas.  Hope you and your sweetie have a lovely Valentine's Day.

See y'all!

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  1. These are so cute Donna! It's fun to purge every once in a while. How else would we make room for more cool finds?

  2. Hey Donna;
    Your Antique Valentines are just so Beautiful!!! I wish that you would purge some that you do not want any more my way!!!!
    Thank-You for showing your Collection, as they are so Beautiful and they are from another time.
    I hope that you and Chucks have a Wonderful Valentines Day!!!! XOXO!!! :-)

  3. These are just too precious! I love vintage valentines. I have one of my grandmother's and some others that are "vintage style," but not truly vintage! Love them!

    I'm hosting a free advertising giveaway at my blog right now. Go here to find out more about it:

    Jenna @

  4. I was pretty sure I commented on this, but I don't see it now. I love, love, love that little dutch boy card! And no....that Valentines card with shamrocks does not count as a St. Patrick's Day project!!!! Silly girl! Thanks for the shout out!

  5. These are just wonderful,Donna.Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    XO Marie

  6. Are you the lucky lady to have so many, or what! These cards are so precious and to think there is a "story" on the back. Just let your imagination roll with what is behind those words!!

  7. Oh I love your cards! Those vintage children are so sweet!
    I enjoyed your previous post too, specially your salt and pepper shakers, I collect them too!
    Besos, Silvina

  8. Aw, I love your valentine to your blogger buddies! These are really fantastic. I'm excited for someone who will be lucky enough to find them when you let go. What a fun find that will be!

  9. Beautiful collection, those old postcards are just gorgeous.

  10. You have a darling collection! I hardly ever see them and when I do they are priced high. Happy Valentines!

  11. I love vintage postcards, and you have a wonderful collection. The one with the little boy promising his sweet girl that his parents will love her too definitely stole my heart. Precious!
    Mary Alice

  12. These are some really cute cards...vintage cards are always soooo neat in my book.


  13. i love reading the messages on old postcards too. and their handwriting is always so beautiful!

  14. What a fun collection you have Donna!!!
    I'd love to see some of the " shocking " ones lol
    And tell Danni to cut us some slack already - she started bugging all of us about
    St. Patrick's day before Valentine's day was finished - she's like the Craft Patrol Police LOL

  15. They are charming. I have one vintage Valentine postcard and it is sort of creepy says my readers. Visiting from beside you at Common Ground, Olive

  16. This is so lovely collection Donna! Just beautiful!

  17. So sweet! What a wonderful collection. :)

  18. Oh WOW Donna!! All those cards are sooooooo wonderful!

    Thanks so much for partying at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening!!


I enjoy reading all of your comments and will always answer with email. I will try to track you down if you show up as a "no reply" commenter to let you know. Friends are like that!