
Monday, December 17, 2012

Away in the Manger

 Manger scenes, nativities, creches - whatever you call them, they have a special place in my home each Christmas.

I collect pieces of them, whole sets - I especially love the cardboard ones with chalkware figures. 

They are placed in the built-in bookcases on either side of the living room fireplace.

These figures were part of Chuck's family.
 Here is a tour of the rest.  

Just a few words.  

Just some gentle thoughts.

 I saved this one from the trash.  It is the oldest.  It was my cousin's grandmother's when she was young.

 Angels and lambs watch over Him.

 On the right side I have a collection of six - some came complete, some are a hodge-podge of pieces I have found.

So not one was slighted, I have provided photos of each below.





(Someone let their children paint on these and sign them on the bottom.)



Chuck's mother's nativity scene was passed on to us after her death.

The most special one of all.  My nativity scene from when I was very young.  Cardboard and straw stable, plastic figures, and chalkware animals.  The camels still have their ten cents prices marked on their bottoms.  It has always been placed right inside the door to greet guests.  The figures are always placed in the same positions.


I just noticed I have misplaced the star for the top of the stable.  I hope it is in the box!

The question is: does your Baby Jesus appear on Christmas Eve or does He stay in the manger the whole season?  In our house we always placed Him in there when we took out the creche.  Friends never put Him in the manger until the correct time.  I actually don't think He minds either way.  Just as long as we remember what is being celebrated!

See y'all!

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  1. I love them too! I have one set and I upgraded all my figures for vintage ones last year. They are a joy to unwrap. Jesus always comes out right from the start! x

  2. Oh, I love all of your nativity scenes, reminding us the true meaning of Christmas! That's so special that you still have yours from when you were young!

  3. Hi Donna, I leave Baby Jesus there all the time or I just might loose him. I followed you back. Have a great week. Olive

  4. I love them all! Baby Jesus is attached to his manger, so he appears all season!

  5. Hi, visiting thru Dedicated House - you have a nice collection! I also have posted my collection. I invite you to hop over and check mine out!
    Merry Christmas!

  6. What a great idea to display nativities on old books... Or are they bibles..???
    And yes, the memories from childhood are always priceless...!

    hugs x

  7. The nativities are all so beautiful, so precious.
    Debbie :)

  8. Reading this makes me realize I never got out our 1960's cardboard manger scene from when I was a kid. It's amazing that it still holds together, but I just love it. I'll have to get that out tomorrow. We put Jesus out the whole time. Never thought about having him make an entrance. Might be a good idea though because with our little wood set, I am always worried that the tiny little Jesus will be knocked off and get lost among the decorations or presents. To me that is the ultimate insult; when Jesus gets lost inside of "Christmas".

  9. Mine stays out all season. I like that vintage one you rescued from the trash. Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend!

  10. Thanks for the reminder! I didn't put out my Nativity this year at all. My sister collects these too! She has some from all of her travels!

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