
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vintage Trio

 Honest, I was gong to Goodwill for a pair of jeans to paint in and to Rack Room Shoes for a pair of running shoes.  (No, I do not run, I walk, but running shoes are more comfortable.)

When I entered the store, I saw this gossip bench just sitting there.  I thought to myself surely someone has snatched the tag from that beauty.

Nope, tag still attached.  I checked her over carefully.  One leg was a little loosey-goosey, but other than a few scratches, she looked right as rain.

So I took the bottom half of the tag and turned my cart to the check-out.  When I turned I saw a cathedral mirror leaned against the wall.  Maybe the price was outrageous, but no, it was reasonable - very reasonable.  So I managed to get it in the cart.  

Now the vultures were descending.  A lady wanted to know where the bottom half of the gossip bench's tag went.  I held it up.  She responded with a glare, "So I guess you are buying it and the mirror, too?"

Now I am not the most tactful person in the world.  I almost said, "No, I am just taking them for a ride in the cart."  But I didn't. I had my prizes.  Why gloat?

As I paid for my two beauties, I felt the glare of others staring with envy.  I heard the sibilant whispers, "I was going to buy those."  I blew them off, wrangled the mirror into the car, drove around back, and picked up the bench.  Victory was mine!

Yes, I know, I know.  I forgot to get jeans, but that just is another excuse for returning to Goodwill!

 Here is that gorgeous mirror.  Also, on the way home I found a clean-out and the lady there gave me the crib springs.

Best of all?  Nothing needed intense painting or cleaning.

The bench had been recently refinished.  I just needed to tighten one leg.  The mirror was made from an old window and was in great shape - cream paint with a dark wax finish.  I don't know why someone gave away these pieces.





Fill the hole with wood glue.

Stick a toothpick in the hole.

 Break it off even with the surface.  Screw the screw in again.

Let dry and you are good to go.

Problem solved!


 I did make it to the shoe store, and I did find a pair of running shoes to walk on the treadmill at the gym.  Lest you think I exercise all the time, I have not been to the gym in a while.  In fact it is at the local college and they gave out parking permits back in August.  I have not picked mine up yet.  With new shoes comes new resolve - I promise to be there this weekend!

Now I am not a fashionista.  Never have been, never will be.  BUT  as I was trying on workout shoes I saw these fancy (for me) shoes with VINTAGE-LOOKING LACE ON THEM!!!  Now I have not worn shoes with backs on them for years (except athletic shoes).  Clogs and mules and thong sandals are more my style, but I had to have these.  PLUS appealing to my miserly spirit, the running shoes were $15 off and it was BOGO for the second pair which were already marked down to half price.  I know, I know they are probably years old and have been stuck on the clearance rack for seasons, but I wore them today and I still love them.  So there!

See y'all!

October Overhauling

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  1. Yay for new shoes!! You find the best and old!!

  2. Love the shoes! And thanks for the tip on the toothpick in the hole trick.
    Debbie :)

  3. I love how you manage to turn the most mundane task into an absolute adventure. I'm surprised the thrift shop didn't turn into a WWF ring with you and the other lady tussling for the bench. Great treasures~

  4. Let 'em whisper! You got the goods! Yes! What an adorable bench and mirror. Mighty fine pickin's. Since I'm on hiatus from picking right now (I know, gasp!) it's nice to see someone carrying the torch, and with new running shoes on, no less. The torch is in excellent hands!

  5. I will be laughing all night at the "No, I was just taking it for a ride" line. You exercised good restraint. I have absolutely NO mouth filter. I can just picture their faces. Been there. Just amazing. "Oh, I was going to buy that". (Honey, you should have put it in the cart! What WERE you waiting for?) Love it. You know you have scored by the amount of dirty looks you get!!

    Had two the other day. Cart came out, I scanned as I walked towards it, scooped up 5 Vintage Xmas ornaments before the other gals even turned around to walk toward it. This is not a stroll in the park ladies. Pay attention!

    Love the mirror and the gossip bench. You have a great eye!

    Just found your blog and will be back!! You are a talented lady and love those tutorials!!!!

  6. Great finds! Happy walking :) Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend.

  7. Awesome finds! I love the telephone chair stopping by from make the scene Monday

  8. Awesome finds! I love that gossip bench. I am coming over from Make the Scene Monday and I would love for you to come over and check out my Wool Dryer Ball Tutorial!!

  9. Love your gorgeous mirror!
    Congrats: what a great find! gotta love Goodwill!

    hugs ~ Crystelle

  10. I have shoe envy, gossip bench envy and mirror envy! And, that toothpick tip is priceless. I feel like I just hit the jackpot. Thanks!

  11. What great finds Donna - you make me laugh ( just taking it for a ride ) I'll definitely have to use that when the opportunity arises - too good a line to not use lol
    David Brenner ( remember him ? ) had a line once about sitting on a newspaper on the subway and some one said " excuse me - are you reading that " ? To which he answered - " Yes I am - and promptly stood up - turned the page and sat back down!!! LOL


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