
Friday, October 5, 2012

Craft Or Clutter

Believe it or not there are crafters out in Blogland showing their dirty little secrets.  Well, not really dirty, but all clutter-y.

When does craft become clutter?

A light from above shines down upon the crafty clutter on the dining room table, chairs, and everywhere.
Chucks threw down a challenge last week and I stupidly accepted and went one further.  Not only would I corral all the craft supplies into one room, they would be neatly organized.

Friends and family are nodding their heads - they have heard this vow before.

They have visited and found stuff under the sofas, in trunks, under benches, and boldly displayed in vignettes about the house.
Some even come prepared with money wanting to buy what I have craftily displayed.

Above are a small group of a much larger group of cabinet doors.  I have a project in mind for them.  And, yes, there is an orange horse sitting on them.

I am currently collecting a number of these shutters to make a divider.  You do see why I need a divider?

Do you think there are elves who will come and help me organize?
I do love a good basket.  The problem?  I have lost count of how many I have.  

You see several holding my gourds.  Some holding trims.  Some holding other baskets.

These are usually part of my Fall decor.

Nope, I have not done that yet.

But I have browsed through many of your posts enjoying yours!
 The official craft room is the pine-paneled breakfast nook that had previously been used only as the dog room except for three or four times a year.

I decided to move my supplies into this room and share with the dogs.

I bought a dry sink and a primitive setback cupboard to house the supplies, but they have spilled, tumbled, and crept out into this room, into the dining room, and insidiously throughout the house.

Those paints, buttons, ribbons, stamps, and stencils are so sneaky!
 This is where I started last week organizing paint and glazes and washi tapes and keys.

Yes, that is a monster microwave.  It was the first Christmas present my husband gave me after we were married in 1980.  Please do not tell its age aloud.  It still works great - especially with crafts that need microwaving!

I know, I know, we are probably being nuked to death, but I love its huge size and it makes the most delicious fudge.

Molds, molds, molds - wherefore art thou o great collection of molds?

Oh, yes, hanging out with the biscuit and cookie cutters.
I have seen the light.  When I look through the camera's eye, I can see that this is no longer a craft space.  It is true-blue clutter.  I will be linking this mess up on the Linky Party.  October Overhaul at While Wearing Heels Then off to pin some more wonderfully organized craft rooms.  I have promised to have this done in the next three weeks.  I will post the pictures. Now, where are those elves?

See y'all!

October Overhauling

Follow Me on Pinterest  . Homespun HappeningsThe Shabby NestFunky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialIt's OverflowingI'm a Fan of My 1929 Charmer Blog! The DIY Dreamer


  1. Wow! I can't wait to see your transformation.. I am sure that it is going to be A-mazing! Thanks so much for joining in October Overhauling!
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  2. Girlfriend, you have got your work cut out for you!! You do know that a messy work area is the sign of a busy genius right? Can't wait to see it all when you are done!

  3. Wow Donna! You hava a lot of great stuff! So glad you're in this challenge too. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your space. Now I'm off to work on my own mess. Have a great day!

  4. Donna, you are brave to show your space. I see so much in there that I would want to buy too :). Show that husband of yours you can do it. I can't wait to see your transformation.

  5. cant wait to see the changes and all the glorious stuff once organized good luch

  6. Good for you for taking on this challenge and having the guts to post! I would love to find out how you get it all organized. have fun, and I think it is romantic that you still use your old microwave!

  7. Wow - you have a lot of crafting stuff! Can't wait to see it all organized! Thanks for the comment & I'm following you as well! Can't wait to read more of your adventures!

  8. I can't wait to see it! I HAD to clean today, because it was getting to cluttery and dirty around here that I couldn't create because it bothered me too much :) I so wish I could have a lovely craft room! Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations weekend.

  9. Simply amazing! You have some great stuff in those piles! I don't know but I think you should open it to the pubic, or at least the family and let them have at it before you start. You might make a few bucks and think how much less stuff you'd have to put away. You might never miss some of it!
    I went and linked up too but I think I might have done it all wrong. Ah well...things are a mess here! How am I supposed to think straight.

  10. I KNEW I wasn't the only one that had craft supplies that sneak out and about, cluttering up everything everywhere! I won't be making any deals with my hubby until Thanksgiving.

    I can't wait to see how it all ends up!

  11. I see cool stuff there, but like you, it's impeding my function, so the next non-rainy weekend, I'm having a big-old garage sale!
    Can't wait to see your progress.

  12. Oh I SOOOOOO know the feeling!!! You have some awesome stuff in there! The end result should be interesting!!! : ) Hugs and thanks for sharing! : )


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