
Friday, August 31, 2012

Moving Musings

Cue Brady Bunch music:

This is the story of a lively lady

With three lovely little booths

The smallest one just shelves!

Well, now you know my secret - I am terrible at fitting words to music.  I'm warning you this post will probably be silly and full of errors, but I feel like worn-out shoe leather.
 This is the beginning of the week of the big move.  These two pics show what the two booths looked like before packing up.  Everything had to go next door. That included the doors and pegboard!

I had a smaller booth that was just a wall of shelves.  I forgot to take a photo of it.

See anything you want?  If you had been here, I probably would have given it to you.

I decided today if I ever have to move again (this is the ninth time), I am calling the Salvation Army to send their truck to pick it up.  I am serious.  I am that tired.  As worn-out as old shoe leather.
Chucks on the inside just peeking out, Calvin on the outside taking down my two favorite doors.  They have been with me at several different booths for fourteen years.  (The doors, not Chucks and Calvin!)

My customers look for the green door.

I called this booth "The Green Door"  because it could be seen from the front door of the mall.
 There is my trusty shopping cart.  I was lucky the one I snagged had good wheels on it.

The window divider has been moved and secured - good fences make good neighbors!

The dresser is moved into the space and piled with stuff.

 Here's a pic of the small booth before all the stuff came over.

I am still thinking to myself.  Everything will fit - no problem!

The tremendously heavy blue door has been secured to the wall.  Crib springs hang from the pegboard.  My windows are stacked awaiting tags.

This is the big booth 10 X 20 feet with a two foot wide area outside.

I had previously painted it blue so I left it that color.

  The butler pantry doors are not secured to the wall because I am thinking I am going to sell them. At first I thought paint them and add chalkboard paint to the panels.  But I am as worn out as old shoe leather.

See that dolly? You can pull out the handle to roll it flat.  It became my best friend.  I became adept at pushing the shopping cart with my right hand and pulling the loaded dolly with my left!
 Inside looking out.  I could not decide about the pegboard.  Chucks patiently put up one facing out and one facing in.  I decided on the brown side in and the white side out.

I know, I know, I could have painted them white.  In fact I had the paint and brushes in the car.  But I was as tired as worn shoe leather.

Chucks taking down the pegboard in the old booth to put up in the new.  It's a one-man job taking it down, but I had to stand and hold it for him to put it up.


The doors are gone.  The furniture is moving down the sidewalk.  This booth is looking pretty dismal.

Let me show something positive.  My friend Arlene has her booth just about finished here - Farmhouse Antiques.  She even painted a brick path around the outside!

Look how nice it is - I wish I was that far along!

The next few photos are blurry because my hands were shaky.

 The center aisle has its display cases all lit and cleaned.  The computers are set up and we are already selling.

 After a day and a half of trying to stage everything as I moved it, I started just putting things into piles in the approximate place it would wind up.

You can tell the theme here will be red, white and blue.

 Well, after three days of moving, the piles got out of hand and chaos reigned.

I gave up trying to organize it and concentrated on pushing that shopping cart and pulling that dolly down that sidewalk loaded as high as I could pile it.

 This photo sort of says it all.  This is late Wednesday afternoon - Chucks came over to help with the last few loads.

No, I did not make him cry.  He was as worn out as old shoe leather!

The two old booths have lost their pizazz - there is no life here anymore.

That white wire basket and the mattress frame are the last items to make that long walk down the sidewalk.

I estimated I hauled 26 shopping carts and 12 dolly loads, but I finally have it all in the new booths.  I spent yesterday at home doing as little as possible.

Today I worked on organizing and staging - it is a long process!  Tomorrow I will work on the inside of the large booth.  Sunday and Monday will be the small booth's turn.  Tuesday is the official opening.  Thank goodness!

Arlene with her shopping cart heads back down the long, long sidewalk to fetch another load of her primitives.  The doors to the other side is way down at the end by the trees.

Someone just reminded me it was Labor Day weekend.  Well, I'll tell you right now, I WILL be laboring even if I am as worn-out as old shoe leather!

See y'all!

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  1. need a break girl! I know you won't get it...but you need it! Can't wait to see it all done!

  2. I got tired just looking at all the hard work.
    Best wishes on your new booth, Connie :)

  3. No wonder you get excited to find stuff! Wow! You are busy! Poor guy, did you get him an ice cream cone or something for all of his hard work?:) Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend!

  4. Wow! I have really been wanting to find an antique booth somewhere and have not taken the time to look yet. This is a good dose of reality! I know it will be beautiful when you are done! Hang in there! Melissa

  5. Boy that looks like a lot of work. There is nothing harder than moving things around. I have a little booth at a local antiques market, but we are not allowed to jazz up the booth at all. Good luck with getting it all done. You must be exhausted.

  6. Oh you poor thing! I'm sure it'll all be worth it at some point. If nothing else, now you have an excellent inventory of everything you have in there. Take a breather, get refreshed, and have fun staging everything. I can't wait to see it all when it's done. Thanks for sharing at Etcetorize this week!

  7. Oh Donna, I wish I had been there to help you haul stuff. What a lot of work! Hope it feels worth it once the money starts rolling in. Soon you'll enjoy the shopping trips that will come as a result of all your goods being snapped up by excited shoppers. And where DO you find all those doors and windows? Wonderful stuff!
    PS: Chucks deserves a hearty round of applause!

  8. Oh my goodness Donna...that's a ton of work! Love those doors, too!!! Thanks for sharing at It's Overflowing!

    XO, Aimee


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