
Monday, July 9, 2012

Wonderful Warhols

My niece Leia is staying over another day and she has been hard at it over on Pic Monkey.  Grandma Jo chose a photo for an art project  of Leia and a photo of Lee, Leia's father (my brother) who died several years ago.

They are Clemson University fans so orange and purple were the colors of choice.

Leia started with a stretched canvas. tissue paper, photos printed 5 X 7 on plain white paper, and stamps.

She randomly stamped "LEE" and "LEIA" in a random pattern and added stars (her personal trademark!) In black StazOn ink.

The Mod Podge was brought out to affix the tissue paper over the stamped canvas.  She chose the purple squares to highlight the photos.

Leia lightly wrinkled the tissue to add texture.


She carefully placed the pictures and Mod Podged under them.  She waited for drying, then added another coat on the top.  Leia brushed on one final coat to thoroughly seal.

After the final top coat had dried. Leia sanded all around the edges to remove the excess tissue.

The sides of the canvas were painted orange.

The final product - a present for Grandma Jo!

You will notice Leia decided to Mod Podge a orange-striped heart and a tiger paw to accentuate the Clemson aspect of this.

Chucks and I did allow this to remain in the house even though we are avid Carolina fans who bleed garnet and black.

(Carolina and Clemson are big in-state rivals!)

Since we had solved all the major world problems in the pool yesterday, Leia decided to make a second Warhol for a friend. 

Of course off she went to Pic Monkey to Warhol some photos of Margaret, Miles, and their son Corbin.
She started with a white canvas and randomly stamped the letters of their names and stars.
Then she glazed it with a lime wash before Mod Podging the photos on the canvas.

She wanted to achieve a sense of dimension to this piece so the couple's photo was glued to a bundle of cardboard wrapped in blue cover paper.  The whole thing was Mod Podged.

 The son's photos were printed nine to a page and placed around the edges.  Water bottle tops were spray painted white to add more depth.

A  gel medium (like Mod Podge, but much, much heavier - will adhere weightier pieces) was used to affix the parent's photo to the center.

A close-up view - how cute is this little boy!

Leia stamped "CORBIN" on the caps and adhered them to the canvas with sealant.  Drying time - about two hours.

The final product ready to give Margaret, Miles, and Corbin a colorful surprise.  This was Leia's final project of her stay.  Yes, I have been busy, also.  I will be back to normal for a few days until the next niece visits.  She has already let us know that she is "mad jelly" over the art projects we have been working on.  Leia is busy rounding up her belongings as Willie and Scout drag them out of her suitcase.  I think they are telling her they don't want her to leave!  Come back again to visit!

See y'all!

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  1. Leia is very creative! I'm sure you'll miss her too!

  2. Well, once again, this is just fabulous! I'm going to have to visit PicMonkey very soon; as it is, all, and I mean ALL of my energy has been given to watering and trying to keep everything (except the grass) alive here. I'm so exhausted, but I'm placing these lovely projects in my 'cerebral' filing cabinet for future reference!


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