
Friday, June 22, 2012

Vintage Postcards

I'd like to think she is luring a man to her, not actually asking for help!
Back in April I was in a frenzy to replenish my vintage postcard collection.  I managed to score about 1500 postcards total from various auctions on eBay.  I use these in art pieces, displaying lace and ribbons, inserting in greeting cards, and selling them at the shop.  I love to sit and read what people a hundred years ago thought was important enough to send a postcard.  As you read, you quickly realize that this was the text messaging of the early 1900's.

Some messages were just scrawled as in one I read last night:  "Pick up your brother's new suit before you leave for home. Mom"

The postcards were mailed and often received that afternoon or the next day.  (I faintly remember getting a morning and an afternoon delivery.)

Most of the ones I bought were from 1900 to 1920.  Some are considered scrap - torn, dirty, ink stained.  Others look as though they were just purchased.  I do not collect postcards for their value.  I want to see correspondence, postmarks, and stamps -historical records of everyday life.

 Both of these featured funny sayings on them. (Sorry for the small scans.  I scanned and saved before looking at the pictures.  I did not have enough time to go back to resize.) 

This one says: 
'Tis better to have loved and lost,
Than to be married and be bossed

On the back addressed to:
Mr. Chas, Black
Amarillo, Texas

The inscription sounds ominous:
Dear Chas,
 Note the other side and beware.  I will write you in a couple of days.  Nothing doing but will give you some advice on good behavior, etc.  Remember your failings!
Sin. S.P.

I do not think this relationship went much further!

I love this green one:

When you marry, go to a minister who'll tie a slip-knot.

The inscription is actually a poem:
I'd like to write a verse for you, Leotta
But I will wait until some other time.
For I am tired and dull, and rather sleep
And truly I can't even make a rhyme.
  -J. Edwin Shipton

If I were Leotta, I might give him a second chance!

This is the front and back of one that is in- triguing.  I'd love to know the whole story.
Lovely lady smelling flowers on the front.

On the back addressed to Mr. Ed. Debberman, Petersburg, Indiana:

Remember one Sunday and the "aprons"?  Also, the two "Helens"?
U.S. and Company
Ans. if you haven't forgotten.

Here are two violet postcards.  The one on the left says Fair Days.  The inscription, however, is tiny and written in pencil and can hardly be read.
The one on the right is a fan with a violet bouquet is also for Leotta from her Aunt Hattie asking her to visit on Friday.

And now for those of you who were astounded in my previous post on the Sunshine Award that I have such diverse tastes ranging from hydrangea to zombies, here are two examples:  a creepy zombie-looking little girl and a beautifully sweet hydrangea!

All things exist together in Distressed Donna Down Home's crazy world.  I have a piece to go wax and two filthy dogs to take to the groomer (and they think they are going to the park - how cruel of me!)

See y'all!

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  1. I love old, vintage postcards (and just postcards in general...which according to some magazines are making a comeback - hurray!). I used to spend time looking and looking for the perfect postcard to send someone. It's been years since I've received one. I hope they make a huge comeback - that personal touch is so needed!!

    I am a new follower - hopefully you will follow me as well!!


  2. Amazing! Thanks for sharing pics of these. The writing is priceless... I could read those all day long and never get tired of it. Good you "rescued" these... it's like the people that wrote them get to live on through your art. Love it!

  3. Donna, these are just great! I am especially amused by the one addressed to Chas Black in Amarillo! Thanks for taking the time to share these. ~Kristie

  4. So fun, Donna:)! I love old postcards, letters, and autograph books....a glimpse into the past. Thank you for stopping by with those wonderfully kind comments.

  5. Haha! Some of those were too funny! Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend! :)

  6. I too love old postcards and have quite a few in my collection but recently came across a family treasure that until then was un-known to me. I have just blogged about this wonderful collection that belonged to my great grandmother if you would like to read the post I'm sure you'll love it. I too was amazed at some of the short but sweetly worded postcard messages that as you say were the sms of their time. I was also amused by the addresses on some of them...very homely and comforting to see.

  7. PS My blog only covered a very small amount in the collection, there are lots more but I have as yet to scan them

  8. Love this post :). I would also love for you to link up to my linky party via:

    Mrs. Delightful

  9. Such a neat collection! I'm afraid I'd have a hard time letting any of them go...and then I'd have 1500 vintage postcards sitting in my closet. Thanks for sharing at Etcetorize this week~


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