
Wednesday, April 4, 2012


 APRIL 4, 2012


We went to my brother's house on Sunday to pick up the computer my nephew had built for me.  While there, my brother decided to downsize some of his enormous collection and load my truck.  Just last week I was bemoaning the fact I had so few projects especially small tables to work on.  Well, ask and ye shall receive!  Here are two pictures of the items as I unloaded.  There are several tables, a large gold mirror (just right for an acid wash!), wire baskets, toys, 8mm film projector and splicer, and a huge spice rack.

 Above is another view.  I love that table in the front.  I plan to show what happens to it here in this blog if you care to follow along.  I actually had a brown Samsonite suitcase that was similar to the two Royal Travellers shown.  I cleaned and polished them and took them to Riverfront Antiques where I have a booth.  The framed crewelwork I brushed and cleaned the frames.  Then the beautiful day turned quickly stormy so I quickly dumped everything that would not fit back into the truck into the living room!
Here you see Azalee in the front window surveying all the new treasures to investigate. (She really wasn't that interested - the animals are pretty used to having piles of new stuff around.)  So now I have to choose which project to begin.  I usually make a list of all items and what needs to be done to them - paint, polish, refinish, etc.  That way I can work on several projects at once.  I know I'll need to stop by The Graphics Fairy for some transfer images.  I have had some success with her black and white French-themed images lately.  This week Karen has posted a cute vintage bicycle group photo that I might use on a sign.  Decisions, decisions, decisions - I will go forth and create or at least mull over all the work ahead!

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