
Sunday, October 18, 2015


quick makeover projects with paint, bottle brush trees
Remember the Beethoven bust in gold.

Too flashy for me.

So roll over, Beethoven.

He is not so angry looking in Krylon Chalky Spray Paint in Putty.

Remember the whats-it?

I said message center.

Someone said bird feeder.

Chucks said perfect for sweetener packets.

Now a little blue beauty after painting it in Krylon Morning Sky.

Now I am thinking tp roll.

I've been using this large cutlery box for a few weeks.

Great organizer for small crafts.

Thought of jazzing it up a bit.

Sprayed the sides and back in Navajo White (Rust-Oleum). 

Stained around the edges with a glaze of burgundy.

It said Merry Christmas to me. 

Even though it is only October.

Willie Wonka wanted a place in the pic since he helped me paint all three projects.

Did you notice the tiny bottle brush trees?

Raise your hand if you bought every package of tiny bottle brush trees in Hobby Lobby way back in September?

Me, me, me!!!

Yep, it is time to bleach the trees.

I have finished about 200 of them.

Have 100 of the larger trees to do.

Happy Sunday!

See y'all!

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  1. Mr. Beethoven does look better freshened up a bit! I love your bleached trees. I tried that and it didn't work out so well for me, but then I am not the master of it, like you!!

  2. Beethoven is rockin' his new look! And no, I didn't get any bottle brush trees. I heard some cray cray lady with white hair stripped all the HL stores on the east coast, wanting to do the same to all the trees she scarfed up. ;)

  3. Beethoven looks much better! Waiting to see what you are going to do with bottle brush trees this year! I love them, but I've never gotten any.

  4. Beethoven does look 100 times better... even though he is pissed off looking... he should be feeling much better now with his new look! lol!

    I haven't done much of anything this weekend... I've been kind of moping around for some reason... sigh... maybe today...


  5. Love your quickie makeovers! I think I will finally try to paint my shelf today. It's sunny, no rain and I'm home!!

  6. Never would have thought to bleach those trees!

  7. Donna, I wonder if your "message center" is a smaller version of something I've had for many years. But mine is taller. On it was a small poem that went like this: "Tobacco is a dirty word. I like it. It satisfies no normal need. I like it. It makes you thin. It makes you lean. It takes the hair right off your bean. It's the worst darn stuff I've ever seen. I like it." Because it held packs of cigarettes!

  8. I am ready for bleached bottle brush trees too. Too bad we don't have a Hobby Lobby here. Will have to look elsewhere for mine or wait until you do something fantastic with yours and buy yours.

  9. So why does Beethoven always look so angry LOL - what an improvement - he should be smiling !
    What on earth do you do with 300 bottle brush trees? I'm intrigued !

  10. Hi Donna,
    Love your project redos. Beethoven looks rather dashing and the shelf holding the bottle trees is just too cute! I lucked out at an estate sale and found a big box of bottle brush trees that were never used!!! Score. Be sure and stop by my blog and get in on my JDL shoulder bag giveaway!

  11. Beethoven is looking much better. And yay for bleached bottle brush trees! I always look forward to seeing your creations.:)

  12. Now Beethoven looks almost handsome, great job on his makeover. What store did you find Krylon chalk spray paint? There is not one store in Grand Junction that carries it.
    Doggone it if HL had the bottle brush trees on sale in Grand Junction I didn't know about it but we don't live close so could have happened and breezed right by me. Haven't bought any for years. Got rid of lot of our old holiday decorations to thrift store couple summers ago,had hauled so much of that stuff all over this country every time we moved. Just got sick of having to go thru all of it every holiday, if wasn't using, out it went. Smaller house now so no room for much of it. Keep things simpler in our old age, lol. Got tired of so much mess and work to clean it up to put away after holidays. I had had major surgeries around holidays 2 yrs in a row so just not up to dealing with it all. Hubs no help, had to listen to his grumbling. He had stroke in 2010 before holidays and seemed it started getting less then. Not much room for storing it all either. Seem to do less and less every year. Love making things every season tho.
    Happy week

  13. Oooh, Mr. B looks really good now! Willie is a good painter? Bruce used to help me when he was a puppy but not anymore. Can't believe it's tree time again! You disappeared from my feed- just realized it and added you back. Stay put, woman!

  14. "What is this new color Beethoven finds himself wearing? Putty? Beethoven did not know putty was a color. Beethoven thought putty was just sticky stuff. Beethoven likes new not sticky putty color. Beethoven feels pretty!"

    Little known historical fact: Beethoven liked to refer to himself in the third person. Or is it second person? Beethoven was easily confused on grammatical topics.

  15. Love Beethoven's new look...much, much better! And those trees are you bleach them by spraying bleach on them? I like the different colors mixed together!

  16. Yep! TP roll! Love the Christmas shelf with the trees. Curious as to how you bleach them. Regular 'ol Clorox?

  17. Yes Mr B looks much better
    Now tell us how you bleach your bottle brush trees?

  18. I'm always amazed by the power of paint. Love the new Ludwig.

  19. Beethoven looks lovely in putty--excellent choice. I'm wondering how you sell your trees? Individually? As part of a larger craft? I bleached a bunch last year but can't bear to part with them! Thanks for linking up with Vintage Charm :)

  20. I love all your quickie spray paint projects. Mr. B Looks lovely with his new color. Love those adorable trees, would love to know how you bleached them. Thanks for the visit to my blog...

  21. Ah ha ha...oh, oh, oh pick me, pick hand is up...I too bought a ton of those trees! ;)
    Loved seeing Willie Wonka, you know he wanted some of the credit for all that hard work! :)

  22. Great job rehabilitating all your vintage treasures. Beethoven looks a whole lot better even with his grumpy face. Thanks, Donna, for sharing at VIParty.


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